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Well it happened!

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--- Quote from: greg58 on July 03, 2015, 09:16:20 AM ---The corprate world is full of PC ninnies.

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Not quite full. I know of one company that offers a benefits package that includes company issued practice ammo, re-reimbursement for firearms classes (and CHP fees), encourages CC at work, has paid range days, and occasionally takes long breaks to visit the NFOA forums and other very gun related sites whilst waiting for things to compile or upload.


--- Quote from: wallace11bravo on July 03, 2015, 02:24:06 PM ---Not quite full. I know of one company that offers a benefits package that includes company issued practice ammo, re-reimbursement for firearms classes (and CHP fees), encourages CC at work, has paid range days, and occasionally takes long breaks to visit the NFOA forums and other very gun related sites whilst waiting for things to compile or upload.

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I think I know of another one.


--- Quote from: greg58 on July 03, 2015, 09:16:20 AM ---I am so proud...


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As you should be!   

What about us poor construction workers?....we don't even have computers available to us! Thank Heavens for my smart phone!   Sometimes I have to duck into an electrical room just to respond to Anti's on the NFOA facebook page!

considering where I work, I am surprised i can surf all of my gun forums and purchase gun stuff over the net.  but considering im not glued to facebook 24/7 or going to rogue websites, i'll be ok.

The internet filtering service used by a lot of companies defaults to dis-allow shopping, guns, porn and other time wasting activities.  Your IT department can customize it if you talk nice to them (and buy them cookies).   If they haven't blocked proxy services, you could use one of those to get around the filter but that is another can of worms. 


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