tstuart34 .... with all due respect ... and I REALLY mean that ..... why are you making this an issue? I humbly request you let it go. IIRC it was not all that long ago, several students made it point to "draw attention" to themselves whilst carrying long guns on UNL property (if I am bastardizing this story, please, someone correct me). That of course led the powers that be to ban ALL firearms on campus. If it becomes an "issue", someone nefarious will act on it ... and NOT in our favor. IMHO, once again, concealed carry goes beyond just carrying said handgun ... I think it also insinuates closed lips .....
I have a lot of respect for you Bullit. Your post though often full of sarcasm are very informative and always mean well.
This is how I feel about our forum.... It is a place for people to ***** a little, ask a question here and there and post links to gun stories. The NFOA Bored does a GREAT job pushing new laws in the legislature and we have a hand full of members that get behind them when they can.
I understand the picking your battles but what battles do we ever fight? How often do we right letters to business saying that we choose not to spend our money with them because they are posted. How do they know they are loosing business if they are never told? I'm not saying we should make it into a full on Texas or Nebraska student open carry event.
I understand your opinion on CC but your average Nebraskan does not have the understanding of the laws as you do and probably not willing to put themselves at risk to be arrested and go through a lengthy legal battle as you might be if for some reason you would be found to have a weapon on you.
I'll find something else to do with my free time. Maybe try and watch a few youtube videos on how to shoot faster in IDPA.