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Car/truck dealerships

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on the fritz:
Is there any dealership that is not a bunch of sheisters? 

I'm looking for a 4X4 Ranger or Dakota.  Doesn't need to be pretty, just a solid running truck.  I know they are popular.  That makes them really hard to find.  I'd like to stay under $4,000. 

Can anyone recommend a dealership or have one themselves they want to sell? 

Lincoln area.  I suppose Beatrice or other surrounding small towns. 

I've had good luck with Sid Dillon, as has a friend of mine, they've bought 4 from them in the last 20 years. The used group over on 56th and O St is where to go.

B&D Auto on N 48th is a good one. The price on the window is the price. No haggling and all the cars come with a 1 month guarantee.
Anderson isn't bad either -- no haggling with them either. The price is the price.

Dan W:
Good running 4X4's are hard to find for 4K...good luck!


--- Quote from: whatsit on July 20, 2015, 10:15:43 PM ---B&D Auto on N 48th is a good one. The price on the window is the price. No haggling and all the cars come with a 1 month guarantee.
Anderson isn't bad either -- no haggling with them either. The price is the price.

--- End quote ---

Yup.  B&D is where I bought my last two pickups.  They'll be my first stop for the next one too.


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