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Car/truck dealerships

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on the fritz:
I've heard good about B & D.  I'll give them a shot.  I wet there Sunday and they did not have anything I wanted.

Sid Dillon has a used lot of 58ish and O street and Anderson has one at 31st and cornhusker.

I use to sell parts on Cornhusker and I got a pretty good feeling about which lot has good cars and which doesn't. Besides B & D and Anderson do NOT buy on cornhusker hwy every other dealer buys the left over junk from auction and goes to U pull it and puts on used parts or does as little as possible to make it run "right" with new parts. B & D doesn't buy the bottom dollar so they do not repair as much and when they do its decent parts and often breaks and other wear parts.

Take your time you can find good deals watch craigslist and facebook has some groups that tend to bring out guys that need to unload a deal. But who ever you buy from don't just lift the hood and kick the tires. Crawl under the thing look for oil drive it get it hot then lift the hood use your nose to smell anything burning.

Like Dan said a good 4x4 is hard to find at 4k but if you take your time you can find it.

on the fritz:
Good to know.  I kind of figured that little bit about the other dealers along Cornhusker. 

I don't have a f-book account, so......  But I do watch Craigslist.  I have a pretty good idea of what to look for but am not a mechanic.  It will be worth the $60 or so to have a mech look at it for me. 

all i know is run from Honda cars bellevue. run as fast as you can

A $4k 4x4 will have a lot of years and miles on it. That has two implications for you as the next owner.

The first is that you are buying the previous owner's (or owners') maintenance habits at least as much as the vehicle, itself. If he neglected routine maintenance and bandaided what broke instead of fixing it properly, even a fundamentally sound design will have deteriorated into a POS.

The second is that, even if the previous owner was conscientious about maintenance and properly repaired everything that has failed so far, there are still many items that are approaching the end of their service lives. When, not if, they finally wear out, you will be the one facing a repair bill.

Unless you are a good mechanic yourself, your best defense against buying a POS is a thorough inspection by an honest, competent mechanic. If the seller won't agree to an inspection, no deal regardless how good the vehicle appears to be superficially. I wish I could recommend a mechanic for an inspection but the only place I know well enough to trust is in Papillion and only works on foreign vehicles.


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