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Project gun

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I'm asking for the NFOA members thoughts on a project that I picked up:

While in a pawn shop last summer,  I bought an Ithaca 37 that looked to have light rust all over the outside.  The interior is nice, so I figured it'd be a good candidate for a re-blue.  Turns out it had been refinished before and the light rust is actually a brown finish. 

The serial number is from 1939. 

At this point I'd like input/suggestions from the members on 1) whether to re-refinish or 2) deal with it and enjoy having a botched antique or 3) Chop the barrel and Cera-kote it and just keep it for home defense.

Tips on gunsmiths that do GOOD rebluing would be helpful too.  I think the gun has been ruined as far as collector value is concerned but I'm no expert.

Thanks in advance.

I inherited my Dad's Ithaca 37 12ga.

Lotsa good memories associated with that particular shotgun.

Had it reblued because I wished to do so.

Which spiffed it up nicely.   Looks nicer than ever.

Now:   Why gun collectors think that the value of a firearm is sharply diminished when it is reblued or refinished is beyond the range of my cognitive abilities.   (As in, "It's been reblued.  You've ruined it.")

Same as I can't really understand the fascination of gun collectors for the gun's original box, no matter how tattered, torn, ripped, etc.   (They can somehow "shoot" the box????)   

Those Ithaca 37s just aren't all that "collectible".   The difference in value between (a) tired old worn original gun finish and (b) reblued, rebrowned, re-whatever isn't really all that much.

So my suggestion to you is to do with it exactly and precisely whatever pleases YOU.

Like:   Some kinda fabulous creative Cerakote.   

Or even taking it out hunting.   Imagine that.


I am leaning more towards having it reblued, if anything.  I did buy it as a project after all.  Just not decided.

Ever look into rust blueing?  It's a lot of work, but you can diy at home.  Would be kind of a neat project.

I think that's what was done to it before.  I don't care for the look on this gun.


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