I recently joined a local range that is close enough to home to make it feasible for me to commit more time to live fire practice, and that will allow me to do the kind of practice that I need to improve my skills in the sport of action shooting.
I would like to find some plans for target stands that I cold put together myself. I've googled for different ideas and found plans for stands made of PVC and 2x4 wood. However, both these options seem to be fairly bulky considering that I will be hauling these items (5 to 10) to the range with me. One thought was to use angle iron, but I have no welding equipment nor the required skills. Assuming I did all the cutting, does anyone have an idea how much I would be charged to weld the pieces together? Or would I just be better off buying some stands?
I was also considering getting some used 55 gallon plastic barrels to use as barricades. Does anyone know a commercial operation that regularly has barrels they discard? I found someone in town selling them for $10, but thought they might be available for free.