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Camera Guided Drill Press

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While looking up other stuff, I came across this page:

And this one is same concept:

The idea is to mount a (cheap) USB micrscope under the relief hole of a drill press and use the camera to position the peace to drill.

Built one myself.

The dremel drill press thing itself sucks for PCB work - it's got too much play / slack / etc.  I'll be fixing this later or just building a new mounting plate on it.

Anyhoo below is my results.

The box is 3/4" ACX plywood.  9" x 11" x 6" tall.  Was a single 2'x2' panel, chopped up.  The "T" inside is some 1x4 medium quality pine.

It's a 15 year old dremel and "drill press" kit for it.  I'll prolly replace this with something smaller and quieter since only doing PCB work AFAIK.

The webcam is a cheap $15 webcam off ebay.  Uses some closed cell foam "work mat" or tool mat as it's padding.  Attached via some 1-1/4" conduit straps.

Software is some free stuff (including cross hair thing).


Very cool!  We are just entering the camra world at work. We are using it to give us width feed back on a sheet width. It's a neat thing and the quality continues to improve. Over the last 5 years since I've been in the industry imaging has made huge advancements.

Can you measure finished hole size? Or a more partical shooting application can you take measurements on a shot group to find out group diameter?

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: tstuart34 on July 23, 2015, 11:23:25 PM ---Can you measure finished hole size? Or a more partical shooting application can you take measurements on a shot group to find out group diameter?
--- End quote ---
Might be something that this product could be modified to work with:
I know it it designed to work with the laser in practice but they do have the ability to have modules written.


--- Quote from: Mali on July 24, 2015, 10:13:10 AM ---Might be something that this product could be modified to work with:
I know it it designed to work with the laser in practice but they do have the ability to have modules written.

--- End quote ---

There is software packages out there already but unfy is a DIY guy. Thought maybe he could have some fun developing his new toy.

here is the software its only $12


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