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Growing Public Support for Gun Rights
More Say Guns Do More to Protect Than Put People at Risk
Pew Research Center, U.S. Politics & Policy
I think what is happening is that more people willing to speak out on this subject than in previous surveys. It seems like we have been pressured in the past to no talk about guns, but people are getting tired of being told that guns are bad when they aren't and are more willing to speak up.
But that is just my opinion.
I think the internet and cable news (like Fox, etc.) have reduced the power of the big lie machine called the liberal press, and as the truth about the issue becomes more widely known more people oppose gun control, because it's all based in lies, and has been all along. It'd be nice if other big lie campaigns of the liberal press, like the selling of feminism, homosexuality, socialism, and traitors like Obama and the Clintons, for example, would be exposed just as well as the lies of gun control have been. Maybe other political activists who oppose liberal bigotry should take a look at why patriots who support the 2nd Amendment have been more successful than them.
This is, of course, a good thing. While we know that owning, carrying & using a gun is not subject to the democratic process and transcends public opinion, I'd prefer not to fight against it.
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