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I may actually want an evil, icky black rifle

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Stainless works fine.  Not as durable as a chrome lined barrel, but it'll still last many thousands of rounds.


--- Quote from: feralcatkillr on September 10, 2015, 01:57:40 PM ---Any thoughts on stainless (dis)advantages, other than corrosion resistance?  And the fact that they're purty?

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They are shiny in the dark and reflect in the sun... 8)  ...if you are around a salt-spray environment then stainless may be for you...otherwise, not a lot of benefit.


--- Quote from: zofoman on September 10, 2015, 05:14:34 PM ---They are shiny in the dark and reflect in the sun... 8)  ...if you are around a salt-spray environment then stainless may be for you...otherwise, not a lot of benefit.

--- End quote ---

See there you go. I wasn't thinking "tactical" enough, dang it. I guess I could always throw some camo tape on there in case zombies attack or Obama declares martial law. Would that count as a "mod"?  Apparently I'm supposed to start "modding" stuff, if I understand the parlance.

The PSA Freedom Rifle kit has arrived!!!   To the untrained eye it looks a lot like an AR-15 that dad bought as a range toy, but it will really make a superb youth deer rifle.

Looks pretty straightforward, but I may reach out to those of you who generously offered build advice or support, if I get stuck.

So... a question about lubrication and cleaning:

I'm a Froglube fanatic for plastic pistols and stainless revolvers.  They seem to work slicker than snot on the stuff, and clean up just by wiping them off.   Anyone used Froglube on an AR, or does it need to function a bit more "wet", i.e. something with a bit more greasy residue?

Dan W:
For AR15's I use Slip EWL and run the bolt/carrier  wet


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