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Rob and Hope

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With "shooter" informing us about the Fremont and Lincoln fun shows, thought of Rob and Hope.  They must have had someone in this state that liked them, and was wondering if anyone kept in touch. 

I heard from one of few in the know that Rob and 11 other Cons were recruited by a Major to conduct a super secret suicide mission by parachuting a tank squad into Syria to take out a villa of ISIS commanders. If they survive the mission, their sentences will be commuted.


--- Quote from: Mntnman on September 14, 2015, 08:40:01 PM ---I heard from one of few in the know that Rob and 11 other Cons were recruited by a Major to conduct a super secret suicide mission by parachuting a tank squad into Syria to take out a villa of ISIS commanders. If they survive the mission, their sentences will be commuted.

--- End quote ---

Seems legit.

But in all seriousness, aren't they both in jail? Rob for longer?

Feel bad for the kids though.

Hope is out I think, 6 months total is what I heard she served. Rob, on the other hand, has a few left on his state sentence before the Feds get him.

Good.  That POS deserves to rot.  He screwed me on a sale and I hold grudges.


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