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Water Storage

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What are the rules on long-term water storage? Are regular 16 oz water bottles good for long term storage or is there some shelf-life? Temperature concerns, etc? I am thinking more about a few days supply for my family as opposed to stocking 55gal drums- but whatever insights you have are appreciated.

I believe the big thing is to keep it away from direct sunlight, to avoid algae growth.

Jesse T:
Buy a couple cases of bottled water and store em in your basement.  There is an expiration date by law on the bottles but the water doesn't 'go bad'.  20 bucks will buy you 5 cases or so or, 50l of water, which is  5 days worth for a 5 person family, (2l a day/person) or more if your family is less, even more if you can limit to 1l a day or whatnot.  

Cool- that's what I assumed, but wondered if there was a risk of something growing after so long. Thanks fellas.
I saw some on sale, I think I'll pick up a few cases.

Jesse T:
If you have sealed prepackaged containers not in sunlight your risk is really really low.  If you re-use 2l bottles or other bottles and seal them back up yourself, the risk goes up.    I've been storing cases in my garage for years with no adverse affects yet.  Then again I try to rotate my way through them, Probably the longest i've had stored is maybe 2 years. 


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