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Don't Take A Man's Rifle

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First time I have heard of him, but definitely a man legends were created for.  Thanks for detailing him for us.

Mikee Loxxer:
Seems like I'd read somewhere that he was one of Jean Lafitte's pirates as well.

And also, for whatever it's worth he is the subject of a new Leonardo DiCaprio moving coming out in December. "The Revenant" is based on the very tale you've told.


--- Quote from: Mikee Loxxer on September 22, 2015, 07:18:22 AM ---Seems like I'd read somewhere that he was one of Jean Lafitte's pirates as well.

And also, for whatever it's worth he is the subject of a new Leonardo DiCaprio moving coming out in December. "The Revenant" is based on the very tale you've told.

--- End quote ---

Pirates didn't keep good records so we probably will never know for sure. But if he was, my guess is he was in the batch pardoned to help defend New Orleans.  What do you think?

The new movie looks interesting.  I hope they do a good job of it. 

Mikee Loxxer:
I really don't know much about Lafitte or his pirates. It would be cool if somewhere there were written records of who was within their ranks. Really very little is known about Glass's early life.

Although the movie doesn't have the right setting (the movie was shot in Western Canada) I'm hopeful that it is somewhat true to history. The folks from the Museum of The Fur Trade in Chadron were consulted for the costumes.


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