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Anti-police hate campaigns have borne fruit in our state

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If this guy had a brain he'd go to a state where the militia has been sanitized by government: Nebraska is not a good place to start a fight with the good guys.  All of us should be aware that the hate campaigns waged by the liberal cult have borne much fruit, and some of it is here in our state.  So we should all be keeping our eyes open and watching the backs of our police (as well as our own).  And we should remind everyone that at least here in our state the police have far more friends than enemies.

Isn't that pretty much what E.C. said?  Why is this guy in custody and Ernie isn't?

'Cause EC is a politician who can get away with ANYTHING!
I worked in Lincoln for several years and he blew by me so many times on the drive home to Omaha. He just doesn't seem to care about what he does or think that anyone can do anything to him.


--- Quote from: Mali on September 30, 2015, 04:03:45 PM ---He just doesn't seem to care about what he does or think that anyone can do anything to him.

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Kind of like you changing your user name to yellow?  :D


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on October 01, 2015, 07:25:57 AM ---Kind of like you changing your user name to yellow?  :D

--- End quote ---
I just make it look good. Jealous?


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