General Categories > Hunting and Fishing

On Paying to Hunt.....

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I was over over at THR.US (not .Org- I won't subsidize theft, even with my attention!) and put this in comments.  I then wondered what you all though on the subject. 

"How do we keep prices from ratcheting up this high? Make high prices, or game-ranching itself, illegal?

The way to keep hunting in the public eye (and the public heart) is indeed to democratize it: lots of public lands available for hunting, hunting on private lands unless posted, well-enforced regulations aimed at safety and sustaining game numbers, and reasonable cost of guns, ammo, and tags."

I agree that you need to keep it close to the people's heart.... BUT ....

You can not, in a free market system, regulate prices or rents of private properties, goods and services. This destroys the free market and moves value from money to other forms of currency: Favors, political patronage, whatever.

You can not tell these "game ranchers" what them may do with their own property..... Fortunately, in my state (Nebraska), game animals belong to the People of Nebraska. You can not fence them in intentionally, nor buy or sell them, or any parts of them. And when these "game ranchers" do something stupid (like trucking in Elk with CWD) that damages the property of the People of Nebraska, they are made to pay for it.

You can not tell a land owner that he can not lease access to his land to "outfitters" who then then charge thousands of dollars to "guide" some idjit to a deer (public property) that nobody else has access to. You can not tell a land owner that he must let the public traipse willy-nilly all over his property.

What we CAN do is not do that ourselves. Do not subsidize that behavior. Don't pay to hunt. Don't pay "outfitters", "game ranchers" or landowners for leases. Need permission to hunt? I promise you there are farmers out there that would JUST LOVE you to come thin out deer and turkey populations. Talk to them. Visit them. Cultivate relationships with them. Become part of the land you hunt, instead of stomping through it behind some hireling.

Would it not be more rewarding to spend a week or a month getting permission to hunt a piece of ground, scouting it, and hunting it yourself, even if all you took was a doe,....... than to spend a week's or a month's pay to be led by the nose to a monster buck?

What say you?

Yup, I agree.  You'll get no argument from me.

Works for me. I would like to see a place where land owners could list property to hunt. As owners they would be able limit what and when (following legal seasons) you could hunt on their property.
Then hunters like myself could contact them to get permission and for things like deer be able to scout the area ahead of time.
I use public lands, but as we all know they get over used, it would be great to find something different.
Heck, all I hunt for are doe's anyway. I have always been into chasing the ladies.

^ LOL Eagle LOL and I as well agree with jim


--- Quote --- I would like to see a place where land owners could list property to hunt. As owners they would be able limit what and when (following legal seasons) you could hunt on their property.

--- End quote ---

They kinda have that in the CRP-MAP(?) program, where landowners get paid a little extra an acre for their CRP ground if they allow walk-in hunting.

Some landowner will allow anyone who asks to hunt...... this can also be a problem- on opening morning there were NINE other hunters/hunter's kids watchin over the same field I was! 


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