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Upcoming NFOA Twitter campaign...

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I am looking to start some Twitter campaigns, which are basically ads that will pop up in people's timelines.  One for generic member sign up/join, LB289 - State Preemption, the start of the session in Jan and maybe others.  We have some time to mull over the details but here's what I am looking for.... I am looking for ideas on how to start some conversation with Senators and to spur people into action.

Basics of Twitter:
140 characters
23 characters for web addresses - all links are shorted automatically by Twitter
23 characters for pictures

So if I have one link and one pic, that is already 46 characters (94 characters left).  This is why I need help brainstorming ideas.  Other ideas are money bombs on Twitter and Facebook to coincide with other events.

Can you help me make a Tweet to help me out?

*If you want, you can PM your ideas if you don't want everyone to see your ideas.

Bueller?  Anyone?

Tell your state senator to support LB289: stop local bureaucrats from denying you your right to bear arms

According to my computer this is 88 characters.  Unless spaces are counted too, in which case it's 105 I think.


--- Quote from: depserv on November 06, 2015, 09:33:58 AM ---Tell your state senator to support LB289: stop local bureaucrats from denying you your right to bear arms

According to my computer this is 88 characters.  Unless spaces are counted too, in which case it's 105 I think.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately, spaces are counted. Keep trying.

LB289 will stop local gov from denying your right to bear arms. Call your state senator now (91)

LB289 will stop local gov from disarming you; call your state rep now (69)

Stop unreasonable gun control by local gov with LB289: call your state senator now (83)

Preempt arbitrary disarmament and arrest with LB289: call your state rep now (83)

Don't let local gov disarm you: tell your state rep to support LB289 now (72)

Protect your right to bear arms from local gov abuse: tell your state rep to support LB289 (91)

Stop abuse of power by local gov: tell your state senator to support LB289 now (78)

Local gov will abuse power and disarm you: tell your state senator to support LB289 (84)

Tell your state rep: obey the oath you swore to defend my right to bear arms: support LB289 (91)

Tell state senators: you swore an oath to defend my right to be armed: support LB289 (84)

NE law says our right to arms shall not be infringed by state or local gov. LB289 enforces it (93)


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