General Categories > Hunting and Fishing

public bow hunt


this forum looks like a good place to ask some quality hunters there input so here it goes.
A couple of buddies on myself are planning on coming to Nebraska for annual hunting trip (we are from wisconsin) and was just curious to see what y'all think is the best piece of public land in nebraska. I mapped out a lot of stuff and harlan county looks pretty good. But i figured the locals would know the best spots and if any guys around are willing to let guys hunt on there property.

public land is hunted pretty heavily.  usually, the farther away from towns and cities the better the hunting is.  so drive out west.  you can always ask for permission on private land, but that is usually hit or miss.  if you are granted permission, please make sure you are flexible (ie does only), do not make a mess, are safe, nothing illegal, etc, etc, etc.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Thanks Robert H, I'll keep that in mind!

Does anyone know the best place for public deer hunting? I.e., visible deer (bucks especially), least amount of pressure, acreage, etc. coming out this weekend and hooping to find the best stuff!

Robbi Drake:
I'm not sure about public lands but there are a lot of private owners who will let you hunt on their land .. Dannebrog has the best deer and pheasant hunting in Nebraska as far as I"m concerned.


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