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Nancy Pork-losi's facelift


Glock 1:
I'd like to throw this out there hoping someone knows of a GREAT plastic surgeon willing to fix Nancy's horrible outcome on her last plastic surgery!!  That has to be the worst face-lift I've ever seen!!!!!

Then------they flaunt her in front of the camera and it is shown to the world that Health Care is BAD in the U.S. due to her bad 'face-job'!!!

My goodness!!!!!! Just look at her!!!!!!! (if you can!)

When they asked Mr. Pork-losi how he and Nancy met, he responded that it was a blind date!!!  Well, something like that- he hit her with pepper spray and drug her into an alley!!! :o

When observing all the crap Nancy has done, is doing, and what she has planned-always remember, there is a Mr. Pelosi!!!!  Poor Bast%$#@!!!!!! :o


--- Quote from: Glock 1 on November 23, 2009, 03:35:35 PM ---When they asked Mr. Pork-losi how he and Nancy met, he responded that it was a bad acid trip!!!  Well, something like that- she hit him with pepper spray and drug him into an alley!!! :o


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Fixed it for you. Get your facts straight before you post again.

Glock 1:
Thanks Rat!!  Appreciate you watching out for me!!!

Isn't that one BBBAAAADDDDD face-lift!!!  I could shave a dog's butt and make it walk backwards and the dog would win the beauty contest!!!

Her husband must be very 'tolerant'!!!  and stupid!!!! :P


--- Quote from: Glock 1 on November 24, 2009, 06:34:34 PM ---Her husband must be very 'tolerant'!!!  and stupid!!!! :P

--- End quote ---

Her husband puts up with her because of all the money she steers his way.  Look it up some time, his business has benefited hugely from her influence.  She should be thrown out of office for that alone.


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