all your medics are squids arnt they?
O Hell No!!! Those Guys are Not Actual Squids.
Those Finest of Fine Folk Corpsmen are Hard Core Marine Corps. Gung-Ho... OOOO-RAHHH!!! They even wear the same Greenies as the Grunts. (The most number of Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals that I ever saw in one bunch is when walking by the Naval Corpsmen Training Center at Camp DelMar, CA, which was an annex to Camp Pendleton.) Plus Purple Hearts by the buckets full.
And Squids are fine by me way. I even wuz one for a short time. On the USS Northampton. (By the time I was 20 years old, I had served on active uniformed duty both as a US Marine and a USN Midshipman. Been there; done that.)
The Marine Corps is kinda unusual in one specific way. They'll release your body back to you and the end of your enlistment.
But............They keep your Head forever.