General Categories > Laws and Legislation

CCW while hunting

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m morton:
do they all so have laws about  "off road dirt bikes" & 4Wheelers or is it just the snowmobiles  ?

Back in the 70s, coyote pelts were worth a lot of money.  As a youngster I remember a lot of guys going out on their lightning-fast ::) 250cc John Deere Spitfires with a .357 revolver in the storage console. They could come back with enough coyotes to pay for a fair portion of their sled.

Usually you'd just chase 'em until they were too pooped to run much and then shoot them. Actually running them over wasn't good for the pelt! I did know one guy who came back home once with a coyote wedged between his skis and fairing that he didn't know was there.

I believe that is the background.


--- Quote from: SemperFiGuy on November 20, 2015, 03:45:33 PM ---Then he said, "It's ALWAYS been that way."
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: feralcatkillr on November 20, 2015, 07:48:16 PM ---Back in the 70s, coyote pelts were worth a lot of money.
--- End quote ---

The law looks like it was first enacted in 1971, and last amended in 1993.

It's legal to carry a gun on a snowmobile or on anything else, as per both our state and federal Constitutions.  But the law apparently doesn't matter much when those who have no respect for the law have the power to arrest you, extort money from you, and put you in jail.  Maybe what we should work on is a law that says this: all government entities, including the state legislature, shall obey the law. 

And it's possible that--on a slow coyote day--maybe a deer or two was taken.

Interestingly enough, there seems to be no prohibition anywhere against shooting from an ATV 4-wheeler.

Or a dirt bike, for that matter. out for that top strand of bob-wire.   It'll lop a head quicker than Charlie Cong's thinsteel crossroads clothesline.



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