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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

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Glock 1:
Want to wish all NFOA members and Board of Directors a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday from my family to yours!!! :)

Thanks! Brian,Kris and Wyatt

Also to you. Have a great Thanksgiving and God bless.

A-FIXER: that offer to bring all of my family over still on?  don't forget there's about 40 of us LOL... You have a great one also.

Party at Glock1's house!!!!

Have a happy and safe Holiday weekend everyone.
I'll be at the gun show, as usual.  ;D

Glock 1:
You Bet!!!!    Come on over, I can put a different person on my loaders loading shells!!!  We'll be switching loaders every 30 minutes til someone passes out then we'll switch every hour!!!! :o

One condition-everyone has to be armed!  Concealed or not!!!! >:D

I'll let everyone 'fondle' my wifes Winchester 1894 SRC made in 1897!!!!!!!!  Be careful though, she's VERY fond of this rifle and she can be one mean german girl!!! :o   She carries an XD9 and is a pretty good shot!!!!


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