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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

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Mike M.:
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.Time for pie.

Glock 1:
I don't know why I do this to myself every year!!!!!!!   I am miserable!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope slim-fast is on sale tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

I think I'll need one of those, what do they call them???  Oh yea-an exercise machine!!!!!!!!!! :-[

I saw on the news this am that the thanksgiving turkey was pardoned!!  I think they're all turkeys in washington but none should be pardoned!!!!

Wow!  This blog just cost me 10 calories!!!!  I'm feeling better already!!!!!!

I'm still freakin full and weirdly enough I'm still craving turkey and ham. What the hell is up with that????

Have a great weekend. Hope to meet some of you at the Millard gun show this weekend.


--- Quote from: huskergun on November 27, 2009, 11:23:38 AM ---I'm still freakin full and weirdly enough I'm still craving turkey and ham. What the hell is up with that????

Have a great weekend. Hope to meet some of you at the Millard gun show this weekend.

--- End quote ---

Maybe you will put on some weight, beanpole.

I made $80 on Turkey Day:  5 members of our extended family have a weigh in every year.  Whoever lost the most weight since the last weigh in gets 20 bucks from the other 4 people.  I did not diet ( completely forgot  about the bet!), but skipped breakfast before the weigh in......... lost a whole 3 pounds (sorta- last year, I think I had my steel framed 1911 on when I weighed in..... this year, I took off the EMP and emptied my pockets, took off my shoes....)  I beat my dieting SIL by a whole whoppin' 1 pound!


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