General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

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Glock 1:
A-fixer, I need to get an extra turkey thawing out for your 40!!!  Does anyone have a flame-thrower available to speed up the process?

LOL.... Your a the greatest host and looking out for us trying to speed up the process using the flame thrower to get us all fed..........You my Friend have a Blessed Thanksgiiving....

Happy, and safe Thanksgiving to all of you guys and to your families as well.

Thanks to all of you that have done so much work for this organization I know that I haven't gotten a chance to do much other than complain and vent on the forums so thanks to those of you that actually have donated time to fight for the rights that I hold so dear.

Dan W:
Turkey is ready....mmmm mmmm mmmm

Pass the cranberry sauce please.


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