General Categories > Laws and Legislation

CCW for legislators

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Just throwing this out for thought. Would it be beneficial to hold a free CHP Class for Nebraska Legislators?  This may help them to see what basic training CHP Permit holders receive. I would be willing to chip in to help support some of the class cost. Just food for thought. I'm not an instructors just putting this out as a possible way to support our cause.

some legislators and their staff already have CHP's.  i don't know which Senators, but i know some teachers here have taught them or their staff.

There is a limit to the value of anything Legislators can receive, and a CHP class exceeds that. Chris Zeeb has given many Senators and their staffs the class (for free if they are only wanting to see the class to understand what the class entails for legislative purposes).

NE Bull:
Thanx for the thought, but Yes. Chris Zeeb has done this at least twice that I know of. The latest being last spring.  We usually do this when we get a group of newbies.  It wasn't brought up much on the forums as it wasn't 'officially' a NFOA event.
Keep bringing up ideas, we'll throw em at the wall and see what sticks.

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[quote]Keep bringing up ideas, we'll throw em at the wall and see what sticks.[/quote]

Free CHP class for news media folks, perhaps.



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