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Considering joining ENGC, where are the range rules?

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so it's actually a good deal it seems to join the eastern nebraska gun club when you look at it that its only 10 a month and you don't pay for time at the range, unlike every other hokey membership to a range where they still charge you for range time in addition to the "membership", like you are going to spend 6 hours in a range spot shooting 1 round per hour or something.

i've been looking on the website, and i can't find anything about the range rules and what you can and cannot do? had a couple questions if anyone is able to answer some about it so i know what i'd be getting into making a 240 payment to get started with them.

what are the general range rules?

what kind of targets are you allowed to shoot? (steel, any paper is permitted regardless of what the silhouette looks like?, can/reactive?)

whats the time between shooting and target placement?

are ground targets allowed? (reactive rollers)

homemade targets allowed?

holster draw practice allowed?

thanks for those who answer, i'd probably get a membership anyway considering there is really no where else to shoot unless you have a friend who owns land where it's permitted outside omaha limits.

what kind of targets are you allowed to shoot? (steel, any paper is permitted regardless of what the silhouette looks like?, can/reactive?)  Any target you want in the pistol bays (no exploding targets), paper (any type) in the rifle/long range ranges

whats the time between shooting and target placement? Not sure what you mean here.  If you mean on the rifle/long range ranges, when everyone is done hanging and back at the shooting line, you're good to specific "time frame"

are ground targets allowed? (reactive rollers) only on the private ranges

homemade targets allowed?  yes

holster draw practice allowed?  Yes, on the private pistol bays.

No ground targets,  all shots must hit the berm.

thanks for the replies guys.

my question for the time between shooting and target placement is just wondering how much time you should expect to spend at the range between getting there, waiting to place a target, shooting, and then getting a chance to pull your stuff down so you can pack up and go.

also, with the available targets, it sounds like there are some already placed steel targets in the pistol bays? or are all steel targets something you bring for yourself?

When you get an open pistol bay, shoot til you're done.
You bring all of your targets. 


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