General Categories > General Firearm Discussion

Considering joining ENGC, where are the range rules?

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I have a question, I have a 22 rifle. I was wondering if I could shoot the rifle at the pistol range? I also shot handgun

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--- Quote from: Glock26Gen4 on March 10, 2016, 07:55:42 PM ---I have a question, I have a 22 rifle. I was wondering if I could shoot the rifle at the pistol range? I also shot handgun
--- End quote ---

Yep.  The ranges (and bays) aren't gun-specific---as long as the targets are placed such that your rounds are hitting the berm, AND you are using the appropriate/safe firearm for your target choice, you are fine.

(Noting that taking a pistol target and putting it at 10 yards on the 300 meter range isn't against the rules but WOULD be annoying to everyone so I wouldn't suggest you do it...  :) )

Plenty of people shoot rifles (of all sorts of calibers, particularly if they are practicing for Multigun) on the pistol bays.  Nothing wrong with it.

Just remember that the pistol bays are NOT "common firing lines," unlike the rifle ranges.  Whoever is on the bay first has the bay, and IF they don't mind multiple people shooting they can allow it, but they do not have to do so.  So if someone is shooting on bay 5 (nice wide bay) by themselves, and they SEEM to be only using a part of the bay without movement, you can ask them if they mind you sharing the bay---but they don't have to let you, and if they say no (for whatever reason) that is perfectly fine, it is their choice.

Same thing if you are on the bay first.  If someone comes up and wants to shoot on the same bay, you don't have to let them if you don't want to.  (And particularly if how you are practicing means movement, shooting angles, etc, because more than one person shooting at the same time with that probably isn't safe.)  If you want to treat it as a common firing line, you can (allowing other people to shoot at the same time), and if so, follow all the standard common firing line rules. 


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