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Author Topic: USPSA Monthly Match - 1/3/16 @ ENGC  (Read 1620 times)

Offline SeanN

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USPSA Monthly Match - 1/3/16 @ ENGC
« on: December 30, 2015, 10:08:06 AM »
First match of the new year! Bring your winter gear and let's shoot!

Important note: We are strictly enforcing our registration policy. Anyone showing up after 8:30AM will not be allowed to shoot the match! Please show up early to help setup!
Online Pre-Registration: https://practiscore.com/enps-january-2016-uspsa-match/register
Please note that you must show up prior to 8:30AM to pay and sign in with match staff even if you pre-register!

Match Fee: $15.

Schedule Is As Follows:
  • Setup will start at 7:15AM. We appreciate any help we can get with setup. The more people we have, the faster we can get shooting!
  • Registration closes at 8:30AM but you definitely want to show up sooner if you can. We will, as always, do our best to accommodate squadding requests but your chances are exponentially better at getting those requests fulfilled if you register online or show up very early on match day!
  • Safety and New Shooter Briefing begins at 8:30AM.
  • Shooters’ Meeting starts at 9:00AM.
  • Match begins immediately following the Shooters’ Meeting.
Equipment You Will Need:
  • A handgun chambered in 9x19mm or larger.
  • A holster for your handgun. It is highly recommended you get one designed specifically for your gun and not a universal holster.
  • Extra magazines. You will have to reload on the clock. Belt-mounted magazine pouches are also a great addition as they will significantly speed up your reload time and allow you to more easily carry magazines. If you need to, you can put mags in an appropriate pocket for your division (Do NOT put magazines in a front pocket if you intend to shoot production or any other division that stipulates magazine placement! This will put you into Open!)
  • Plenty of ammunition. It never hurts to have “too much” ammo. While you may not use every round, I always recommend a couple hundred rounds (in case of necessary reshoots or "make up shots").
Not sure what division you have the equipment for [see Appendix D]? Want to get more in-depth with the rules? Read more here: http://www.uspsa.org/document_library/rules/2014/Feb%202014%20Handgun%20Rules.pdf

List of Production division approved handguns: http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-NROI-production-gunlist.php

If you have any questions please reply to this thread or PM me!

Hope to see you all there.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 09:41:16 AM by SeanN »

Offline Waltherfan

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Re: USPSA Monthly Match - 1/3/15 @ ENGC
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 10:13:36 AM »
How many rounds are normally fired on one run through? The reason I ask is to figure out how many magazines I'd need.

Offline SeanN

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Re: USPSA Monthly Match - 1/3/15 @ ENGC
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2015, 10:29:03 AM »
How many rounds are normally fired on one run through? The reason I ask is to figure out how many magazines I'd need.

This is almost an impossible question to answer as it varies immensely depending on the stages people decide to make. We've had stages as small as 8 rounds and stages as big as 40 rounds.

You will also, depending on division, likely reload before empty. This will, of course, effect your decision to bring more or less mags.

I'd bring as many mags as you have (up to 10) just to have them in case you need them. And to have extras in case one or two fail on you. Carrying a few extra mags you don't use isn't a large burden and you can always leave them in the car until you need them.

Offline JTH

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Re: USPSA Monthly Match - 1/3/15 @ ENGC
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2015, 06:10:35 PM »
Quote from: Waltherfan
How many rounds are normally fired on one run through? The reason I ask is to figure out how many magazines I'd need.
This is almost an impossible question to answer as it varies immensely depending on the stages people decide to make. We've had stages as small as 8 rounds and stages as big as 40 rounds.

You will also, depending on division, likely reload before empty. This will, of course, effect your decision to bring more or less mags.

I'd bring as many mags as you have (up to 10) just to have them in case you need them. And to have extras in case one or two fail on you. Carrying a few extra mags you don't use isn't a large burden and you can always leave them in the car until you need them.

Another way of putting that:  Any particular stage will likely not have any more required rounds than 40.  (Normally the number is 32, but people are a little crazy every once in awhile.)

Now:  That "required" part means "but you'll probably shoot more than this" if you add makeup shots for better hits, or need to make up missed shots on steel.

When I shoot a USPSA match, I normally walk up to the line with at least 50 rounds available to me.  Normally 60, and occasionally 70.  (I almost never NEED them all.  But I want them anyway!)

If this is your first match, you'll probably want to shoot in Limited division and have at least three standard capacity magazines (meaning 17+ in a mag for 9mm--if you are shooting .40 or .45, going to need a minimum of more magazines!) that you can use on a stage, and also enough magazine pouches to carry them.  If you have more mags, excellent.  If less....don't miss!

After you've shot a couple of matches, you'll have a better idea of exactly what division you want to shoot, and what equipment you'll need for that division.

(For example:  I shoot Production, and since I'm limited to only 10 rounds in a magazine after the start signal, I have to carry a LOT of magazines.  In Limited division, you can load your magazines up all the way, so three mags is normally MORE than enough to shoot a stage.)
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