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Author Topic: LE TacMed Intermediate and Instructor courses  (Read 755 times)

Offline sjwsti

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LE TacMed Intermediate and Instructor courses
« on: February 20, 2016, 10:19:14 AM »
One Day:  Intermediate Tactical Medicine for Law Enforcement Course

The 1 day user course combines both live-fire and tactical medicine exercises into one 10 hour day.  The curriculum, in accordance with the Principles and Guidelines of Instruction set by the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care, covers the fundamentals of tactical medicine, the use of a basic trauma kit, treating hemorrhage, chest trauma, and other life threatening injuries.  Fighting to the wounded, fighting while wounded.  Performing rapid patient assessment and treatment while under duress.

2 DAY:  Tactical Medicine for Law Enforcement Instructor Course

Day 1 Students will attend the course described above and become familiar with the curriculum.

Day 2 Students will be assigned specific subjects to teach back.  Students will be assigned specific firearms skills and drills to teach and demonstrate and direct on the range.  All teach backs will be evaluated.  Shooting drills will be scored and students must meet a minimum standard to pass.  Attendance does not guarantee certification.

Upon passing, students will be given a copy of the written course outline, power point, videos and TECC guidelines.

Lodging is available at NLETC for $20.00 per night double occupancy. (Students are responsible for meals.)  Please contact Steven Gobel at 308-385-6030 ext. 301 to request lodging at NLETC.

Eye and Ear Protection, duty holster, minimum of three magazines and magazine pouches, semi auto pistol with rear sight ledge, weather appropriate clothing, packed lunch or lunch at NLETC, snacks and water, pen and note pad for note taking.

Ammunition for 1 day course:  350 rounds (factory new)

Ammunition for 2 day course:  750 rounds (factory new)

Start Date 4/5/2016   Start Time- 0800
End Date   4/6/2016
Tuition   Lodging and meals as applicable   Class Limit   20
Location   NLETC
Instructor- Shawn Whittington Jr . email- swhittington@88tactical.com
Coordinator   Mark Stephenson

TO REGISTER:  Go to www.88tactical.com to register and pay for the course.

COST:  150.00 for the one day course  and  350.00 for the 2 day Instructor Course
"It's not what you know that will get you into trouble; it's what you know that isn't true"
