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Does anyone reccomend any local instructors who teach knife defense?


Looking for recommendations for any local instructors (Lincoln Omaha area) who teach good knife defense or knife combatives?

We have an excellent EDC knife class at 88 Tactical. I just checked the schedule and dont see any on the calendar as of now. Call the office and express some interest, that usually gets them motivated to put stuff on the schedule.

- Shawn

I took two (2) courses in Advanced Pistol from Shawn W  (the poster, just up above).

The second course had a segment in self-defense against knives.

That segment alone was fully worth the entire price of both courses.   It is still stuck in my head, although I hope never, ever to have to use it.  Knife attacks are really ugly.

If Shawn (a) is teaching the 88Tactical course or (b) highly recommends another person who is teaching the knife defense course, then...........

My recommendation to you would be to sign up for it.



Thanks for the kind words SFG. Devin C. usually teaches the knife courses for us. Everything Devin teaches is solid and I couldnt recommend him more highly.

- Shawn

got it, thanks guys.


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