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What a joke.


Any body else listening to our dumbass leader. What a joke. This guy is a real piece of work.

All I seen were GAPS in his teeth AND smack forming as a sentences.... on fox news bottom of the board showed obama at 35% approval ratings... he's going fast....

He might be going fast but we are still stuck with him and his idiotic policies for 3 more long years. Hold on tight.

Glock 1:
Let me get this straight!!!    The Dems criticized the Bush Administration over the troop surge ordered by then President Bush.

30,000 troops are being dispatched to Afghanistan by the 'messiah'.  Is this a 'troop surge' or do the Dems have a different name now?

I  had just eaten supper so I didn't watch the 'messiah' give his 'propaganda' to the 'sheeple'.  I didn't want to puke on the remote!!!

How can you tell if o'bongo is lying?
            A. His lips are moving
            B. His ears are getting bigger
            C. He starts to shuffle like Jimmy "dynomite" Walker

Whoever came up with the idea of letting him speak at West Point should be hog-tied and branded with a swastika.  What were the Cadets supposed to do?  Boo him?  Of course not.  This gathering was nothing more than a photo-op for the 'chosen one'. 

I support our troops!  I do NOT support hypocrites!!!!!! :angry9:


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