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2 Feb 2016 snow storm

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My snow thrower was struggling in the heavy snow, but at least I didnt shovel too much.

Still snowing and blowing in Cozad.  Easily 3-4 ft drifts.  No plows running because of visibility issues.  It's going to take a couple days to get back to normal. 

My neighbor snow blowed my drive (I've done his quite a few times) and his wife made us some homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Talking about livin' large and livin' the dream.......


--- Quote from: 3rdGENump on February 02, 2016, 01:49:50 PM ---Still snowing and blowing in Cozad.  Easily 3-4 ft drifts.  No plows running because of visibility issues.  It's going to take a couple days to get back to normal. 

--- End quote ---
I heard that you guys out west were clobbered.  Hope there weren't too many problems because of it.

Mark B:
Finally got everything cleaned up. My little snowblower got a real workout on some of the drifts. The coffee shop talk says 17" although somebody mentioned that a young girl said she only got 7". Not touching that one. A couple of the old gals needed milk. One needed a chew bone for her dog, other than that no emergencies, just the usual heavy snowfall.


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