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What do you do to increase or maintain your shooting skills?

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A number of people have actually read the Dryfire Challenge thread I started at the beginning of 2016, but only a couple of people are actually doing it, so it made me curious as to what people do to increase or at least maintain their shooting skills.

Do you do anything on a regular basis?  How do you at the very least maintain your skills? 

This poll isn't just about handgun shooting skills, though that is my main interest.  But for any shooting skills--what do you do to keep your skills from atrophying over time?  (Physical skills, they'll deteriorate without practice.)  What do you ACTUALLY do to keep them up?

Nothing?  (Lots of gun owners do precisely this, far as I can tell.)
Live fire practice? (Actually going out and working specific skills, as opposed to going to the range every once in awhile and plinking for fun.)
Shoot competitions?  (There are some people I know who only get out their guns to shoot a USPSA or IDPA match.  They might wear their guns on a daily basis, but the only time they are working any sort of shooting skill is in a match.)
Do you just go out and plink with some friends every once in awhile?

How often do you do these things? 

If you do more than one, which one do you do the most?  For me, the answer depends on the time of year.  Over most of the year (except for effectively June and July) I dryfire more than anything else.  I try to get to the range to practice, and I shoot competitions--but other than in summer, dryfire is by far what I do most to work on my skills.  In June and July I try to get to the range about 3x/week, if not more, so that is a little different.  But...10 out of the 12 months, dryfire is pretty much it.  I'm happy if I can get to the range for a little practice every two weeks, and often in the winter I don't even come near to doing that.

How do you practice?  What do you do that helps you maintain your skills?

(If you do "nothing" or "periodic shooting for fun" please actually put that.  I'm really interested in what the proportions are---because this forum is made up of people who are interested enough in guns to actually read and talk about them, which means you all probably practice more than the standard gun owner.  So what percentage of us folks actually practice, I wonder?)

I use live fire practice, such as altering my grip or finger placement to learn how the firearm reacts, or slow fire weak hand unsupported for handgun. For rifle, I do much the same, with the addition of cleared manipulation of the firearm. Mag changes, sight acquisition, charging the rifle, and transitioning between irons/optics.

It's what seems to keep my skill level at an even point.

In order, most to least in a year; Dry fire, live fire, training courses.

- Shawn

All of the above with the exception of nothing and the addition of training.

I try to dry fire at least ten times a day, three mag changes, ten holster and re-holster drills and I do all of this in front of a mirror. I also work on my footwork throughout the day. Footwork to me is one of the things people often forget about especially when their training is focused on a one way range or a "static shoot". Have to be able to move. All of this minus the footwork drills takes about ten minutes.


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