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Anyone moving to ?

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--- Quote from: shooter on February 06, 2016, 04:51:51 PM --- I been on it a week, don't like it, looks like all people want it the chat. wish I could hide that completely.  there arnt near as many adds as was on facebook sites,

--- End quote ---

I believe you can hide the chat. It is going to take a while to level out as it is new and not many people have signed up. That's another great feature is there are no targeted ads. They do not spy on you or sell your data. That's the biggest reason I like it. Of course there is already enough of me out there to be used for nefarious purposes. That is one thing about today's youth. They want the government to be involved in every aspect of their lives and make everything about them easily available to be used for deciding if they will receive the services they seek. We already know that those in government have targeted groups they find undesirable.

Dan W:
I just joined as Dan W

I found tstuart34 but not Dan W you may be hidden. I can't even find where I saw you shooter. Yes, you can shut the chat off and I have done that.


--- Quote from: Mntnman on February 06, 2016, 05:34:48 PM ---I found tstuart34 but not Dan W you may be hidden. I can't even find where I saw you shooter. Yes, you can shut the chat off and I have done that.

--- End quote ---

 I turned off the bell. that was a pain. but cant hide the chat window

Mark B:

--- Quote from: Mntnman on February 06, 2016, 05:34:48 PM ---I found tstuart34 but not Dan W you may be hidden.

--- End quote ---
This^^  I signed up same name as here


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