Thanks for the drills, I'll check them out. I've seen a few videos from hickok45, good stuff.
My place is in the middle of nowhere and the only way to get to the range site is to drive right by the house, otherwise, it's surrounded by no-go terrain, keeps the undesirables out. Site selection was very meticulous. I wish I could build up a berm behind the railroad ties, but it's a 20 ft sheer drop off starting about 2 feet behind them. Good news is, the tree line goes back about 1/4 mile and there's nothing in the field of fire for 1.25 miles at about a 45 degree angle from the firing line. I'm usually the only one that uses it, it's my "happy place". Also use it to teach my kids how to handle a firearms. I'm pretty anal when it comes to only shooting that which you intend to destroy, so the rounds stay in-bounds.
Thanks for the info.