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Author Topic: LB1106  (Read 2125 times)

Offline RANGER 01

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« on: April 04, 2016, 12:19:25 PM »
I don't know if this is right place but I sent Email to my Senator District 30 and he said he was going to vote for LB 1106.
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Re: LB1106
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2016, 12:23:24 PM »
My Senator Morfeld said he was going to support it as well.

And this brings up a side thought, we should post our call to actions on this forum along with the webpage, emails and social media.
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Re: LB1106
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2016, 02:39:09 PM »
LB 1106 Advances with 36 yes votes, 0 no votes 4-4-16
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Re: LB1106
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2016, 02:43:47 PM »
LB 1106 Advances with 36 yes votes, 0 no votes 4-4-16


Tnx for the update!
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Re: LB1106
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2016, 04:50:10 PM »
The amendment adding firearms to the due process protections of this bill AM2389 was adopted and the bill has advanced to Select File.

Offline Sandhillian

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2016, 09:29:57 PM »
As a prosecutor, I'm a little disappointed in the Board's call to action here. The Board's comments are not an accurate portrayal of the position of the county attorneys, the Attorney General, or law enforcement. I know because I've been involved with this bill from the beginning. Unfortunately, that false narrative is what carried the day on General File.

Prosecutors and law enforcement were not opposed to reporting forfeitures, but the process for doing so needs clarity. We were also willing to accept some restrictions on federal adoption of property for forfeiture, but the bill now creates a near ban on the practice unless there is $50,000 or more in cash.

It was the Attorney General's office that actually wrote many of the original provisions of LB1106, including the requirement that a defendant be convicted of a crime before any state forfeiture can occur.

Again, I am pretty disappointed with the Board's call to action on this matter. I would hope that in the future the Board will try to gain some background information before getting involved with something as complex as LB1106.

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2016, 10:40:06 PM »
As a citizen I am more than a little disappointed that legislation was required to get prosecutors and law enforcement to recognize the requirement that a defendant be convicted of a crime before any state forfeiture can occur.
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Re: LB1106
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2016, 08:02:44 AM »
As a prosecutor, I'm a little disappointed in the Board's call to action here. The Board's comments are not an accurate portrayal of the position of the county attorneys, the Attorney General, or law enforcement. I know because I've been involved with this bill from the beginning. Unfortunately, that false narrative is what carried the day on General File.

Prosecutors and law enforcement were not opposed to reporting forfeitures, but the process for doing so needs clarity. We were also willing to accept some restrictions on federal adoption of property for forfeiture, but the bill now creates a near ban on the practice unless there is $50,000 or more in cash.

It was the Attorney General's office that actually wrote many of the original provisions of LB1106, including the requirement that a defendant be convicted of a crime before any state forfeiture can occur.

Again, I am pretty disappointed with the Board's call to action on this matter. I would hope that in the future the Board will try to gain some background information before getting involved with something as complex as LB1106.

You do understand that the government is supposed to be at a disadvantage, right?

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2016, 08:59:01 AM »
As a prosecutor, I'm a little disappointed in the Board's call to action here. The Board's comments are not an accurate portrayal of the position of the county attorneys, the Attorney General, or law enforcement. I know because I've been involved with this bill from the beginning. Unfortunately, that false narrative is what carried the day on General File.

Prosecutors and law enforcement were not opposed to reporting forfeitures, but the process for doing so needs clarity. We were also willing to accept some restrictions on federal adoption of property for forfeiture, but the bill now creates a near ban on the practice unless there is $50,000 or more in cash.

It was the Attorney General's office that actually wrote many of the original provisions of LB1106, including the requirement that a defendant be convicted of a crime before any state forfeiture can occur.

Again, I am pretty disappointed with the Board's call to action on this matter. I would hope that in the future the Board will try to gain some background information before getting involved with something as complex as LB1106.

I'm confused.  Why are you disappointed in the NFOA's call to action?  If the bulk of the bill was drafted by the AG's office, why should we not mobilize our membership to support such a bill and limit the government's power to seize assets of those not convicted of a crime?  What comments are inaccurate or false?

You've made accusations without evidence to support them.

I spoke directly with my senator.  He believed the AG and county attorneys' narrative that the amendment weakened the state's position.  I suggested to him that was exactly the point.  The state and numerous law enforcement agencies had become addicted to the seized property of the citizens they swore to protect.  It was time for an intervention.

Offline Sandhillian

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2016, 10:35:25 AM »
As a citizen I am more than a little disappointed that legislation was required to get prosecutors and law enforcement to recognize the requirement that a defendant be convicted of a crime before any state forfeiture can occur.

You do understand that the government is supposed to be at a disadvantage, right?

I'm very familiar with forfeiture and how it is supposed to work, and the intent of LB1106 was to improve the system.  The effort behind LB1106 was a collaboration between the ACLU and the Attorney General's Office, which is a unique dynamic to begin with.  So, the Attorney General, county attorneys, and other law enforcement entities were aligned with the views of those of you who have posted here.  To suggest otherwise is disingenuous.

For any firearm-related discussion, jump to the second-to-last last paragraph.  If you want to gain some information about forfeiture in general, read the entire post.

Most people do not understand the current state of forfeiture laws in Nebraska.  State forfeiture in Nebraska is rarely used because the system does not work as it was intended.  As an example, since a Nebraska Supreme Court decision in 1999, when a drug dealer carrying methamphetamine and a large amount of cash down I-80 is stopped by law enforcement, the prosecutor can either elect to prosecute the trafficker for the drug offense or seek to forfeit the cash, he cannot do both because the Court has said that doing so is double jeopardy.  So, the prosecutor typically chooses to file criminal charges in state court for the drug trafficking offense.  At that point, the prosecutor is left with two options: (1) give the drug trafficker back the money he obtained from selling methamphetamine, or (2) involve a federal law enforcement agency in order to forfeit the ill-gotten gains of the drug violation in federal court.  If you think the drug dealer should get his drug money back, then you can stop reading here because there is no way we're going to agree on this subject.  If the feds decide to prosecute the drug case, then they will just do the forfeiture in federal court.  So, in either scenario, state forfeiture is not used and as a result none of the forfeited money goes back to the public schools or the county drug enforcement and education fund.

The example provided above is how the state of Nebraska law has been with regard to drug forfeitures since 1999.  Efforts have been made to correct Nebraska's state forfeiture processes since that time, but they have repeatedly been thwarted by Sen. Chambers.  Ironically enough, his biggest gripe about forfeiture is that it is being done federally so the proceeds don't support the schools.  In reality, federal forfeiture is being pursued by law enforcement because the Legislature hasn't made state forfeiture a workable system.  Sen. Chambers' argument is circular.

The purpose of LB1106 was to correct Nebraska's system following the 1999 Nebraska Supreme Court case by requiring a criminal conviction prior to state forfeiture, and making forfeiture a part of the sentence imposed for a criminal conviction.  I think this aligns with what the members of the NFOA would expect.  Doing so would once again allow law enforcement to utilize the state system instead of taking everything to the federal system.  LB1106 was also intended to allow, for the first time under state law, the forfeiture of property used or intended to be used in child pornography offenses.  Right now, when a defendant is convicted of a child pornography offense in state court, it is not possible to forfeit his or her computer equipment through which the child pornography was received and stored.  As the law currently exists, those items have to be returned to the defendant, even if a conviction is obtained.

Again, the ACLU, the Attorney General, county attorneys, and law enforcement agencies were supportive of LB1106 in its original form.  The contention, and subsequent opposition by prosecutors and law enforcement, came with the committee amendment (AM2389).

The largest source of the opposition was the anti-circumvention provision included in AM2389, which was not in the original draft of LB1106 and was not subjected to a public hearing as it was not discussed during the committee hearing on the bill.  This provision would prohibit a law enforcement agency from seeking federal adoption of a forfeiture unless it involved $50,000 or more in cash.  We're not talking about the property's value being $50,000 or more; it has to be cash money or it can't be federally forfeited.  This forecloses the option of forfeiting money (less than $50,000) discovered by state law enforcement officers in an interstate drug trafficking ring unless drugs are found on the trafficker, which would allow for a state conviction.  This foreclosure exists even if a federal conviction is obtained.  The conspiracy offense, in and of itself, cannot be prosecuted in state court, so the conspiracy offense would have to be prosecuted in federal court.  However, AM2389 would prohibit the state law enforcement agency from giving the seized money to a federal agency.  So, even though the defendant is convicted for a drug trafficking conspiracy in federal court, he is likely going to be getting the money back that he made from selling drugs.  That is an outcome that is hard to stomach.

Prosecutors and law enforcement understand that there should be some limits on when federal forfeiture is sought, but an outright prohibition is not appropriate.  We developed compromise language on this point with the ACLU, but certain members of the Legislature were not interested in compromise.

Another point of contention is the reporting requirement of AM2389, which was amended into the bill and was originally a part of LB1108.  Prosecutors and law enforcement officers are not opposed to reporting information regarding forfeitures, but the provisions of AM2389 are pretty convoluted.  It is not clear what information is required to be reported or who is actually supposed to do the reporting.  So, in an effort to workout these issues, compromise language was once again drafted.  This would have kept the reporting requirement, but also made it clear what was to be reported and by whom.  Again, this compromise was ignored.

There were also other sections of AM2389 that contained technical errors, yet nobody was interested to hear what the people who deal with these laws everyday had to say.  Section 1 of AM2389 seemed to me to be counterproductive to the original intent of LB1106, which was to require a conviction before state forfeiture could happen.  Instead, Section 1 attempts to set up a separate process whereby forfeiture could occur for property related to child pornography and illegal gambling operations without the necessity that the defendant be convicted of a crime.  There are also problems in Section 1 where the cross-references to existing statutes are incorrect.

So, the intentions of everyone involved with the drafting of the original copy of LB1106 would seem to coincide with the positions of many of the members of this forum.  There were some obvious problems with the committee amendment that needed to be straightened out, and still do.  I have been a part of trying to iron out these issues, but throughout this process prosecutors and law enforcement officers have been made out to be overzealous property snatchers.  That characterization could not be farther from the truth.  Throughout this process we have been mindful of individual property rights, while keeping in mind that we have to have a system that is functional.  A system that doesn't work, or doesn't work properly, is detrimental to everyone.

My point in my previous post is that if the NFOA is going to take a position on something, it should do the background work and understand the issues.  Forfeiture is a complex set of laws and issues that can't be understood without some in depth research.  By the Board's own admission, it was not even watching LB1106 until it was brought to their attention just before the bill was debated on the floor.  The NFOA should also understand the position of prosecutors and law enforcement officers before painting them with a broad brush.  Saying that "law enforcement agencies were not against this bill until they found a way to make more money from seizing your assets" is a bunch of bull!  It's really tough to begin to count the falsehoods written in the Board's call to action.

For purposes of this audience, I do want to note that the original copy of LB1106 did not mention firearms in any way, shape, or form.  Go ahead and check for yourself.  That means, firearms were not subject to forfeiture for drug, child pornography, or illegal gambling offenses.  AM2389 changed that and included firearms in the list of items that would now be subject to forfeiture if tied to the commission of those types of crimes.  LB1106, even as amended, only pertains to drug crimes, child pornography offenses, and illegal gambling operations.  How firearms got thrown into the mix by the Judiciary Committee, I'm not sure.

I am and remain a proud member of the NFOA, and even when fulfilling my responsibilities as a prosecutor I am a supporter of the Second Amendment.  From my estimation, the original copy of LB1106 had nothing to to with anyone's right to keep and bear arms.  We weren't making an effort to seize guns or deprive anyone of their rights without due process of law.  The intent of LB1106 was just the opposite; require more due process than what is currently required.  As I said, firearms weren't even part of the equation when LB1106 was introduced.  AM2389 had several problems to which solutions could have been found (and hopefully still can be).  Those solutions were ignored and that is why prosecutors and law enforcement officers opposed the committee amendment.  If we are going to be the ones responsible for implementing a forfeiture system, it ought to be a system that works for everyone involved.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 10:43:05 AM by Sandhillian »

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2016, 06:37:28 PM »
throughout this process prosecutors and law enforcement officers have been made out to be overzealous property snatchers.  That characterization could not be farther from the truth.

Here is the problem with your statement. While we may not see much of this activity in Nebraska, without legislation prohibiting it, how can we avoid the issue of someone traveling with cash being forced to forfeit that cash simply because the LEO says it is related to drug activity or other illegal activity even though no drugs were present or other illegal activity was occurring.  Many, many cases across the country have been documented of persons being deprived of their property without any more due process than because an LEO said so.

It seems, in so many circumstances today, the intent and reason for the fourth amendment has been forgotten and it is tossed aside merely for convenience sake because "drugs".  If laws are needed to enforce the highest law of the land because a few overzealous law enforcers forget it is there, then that is not the fault of the citizens and should not be pressed against otherwise law abiding citizens.  Unfortunately, so many otherwise bright people seem to ignore the highest law and make their own laws superseding it and force people to rely on justice system to make it right. Causing undue hardship, expense and lengthy trials to make right.   Drugs are a terrible problem but just because someone decides to carry a certain sum of cash should not make them immediately subject to forfeiture. 

Whether this law will make it right or not, I do not know.  But until this practice of abuse by law enforcement stops nationwide it will have to do for now.  Stop giving a slap on the wrist to those who are dealing drugs. Let LEO's do the job they are supposed to do and stop making revenue enhancers out of them.

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2016, 10:40:59 AM »

We're on the same page.  I agree that there needs to be a criminal conviction before property is forfeited.  However, at this stage, we can only make changes to the state process, not the federal process.  LB1106, as supported by prosecutors, law enforcement, and civil liberties groups, was intended to fix state forfeiture so it was workable and was an alternative to the federal forfeiture system that has generated so many headlines nationally.  The opposition wasn't to LB1106, rather it was directed toward the amendment put forth by the Judiciary Committee that included provisions that just don't work when put into practice, either because they aren't clear about what is required or because they are contrary to federal law.  There was no opposition to any of the firearm provisions added by the Judiciary Committee.  No matter how you or I feel about federal law, the Nebraska Legislature can't change it or pass laws that conflict with it.  If they do, that just creates confusion and puts law enforcement in a no win situation.

I hope when this bill comes back up some additional amendments will be filed to fix the problems caused by the committee amendment.  If that happens, then we'll have a bill that everyone should be able to support.

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Re: LB1106
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2016, 11:14:29 AM »
Sandhillian, is it fair to say that numerous law enforcement agencies, including the AG's office and a good number of country attorneys, supported LB1106?  Is it also fair to say that most of those same individuals and agencies did not support AM2389?  Is it also fair to say that AM2389 (further) limits the ability of law enforcement agencies to confiscate certain property?

Finally, is it fair to say that the statement you quoted may be true in some cases?  Are you familiar with the position of 100% of the law enforcement agencies and individuals who were against AM2389?  If so, can you absolutely say that none of those individuals or agencies were dissatisfied with AM2389's further limitation of their ability to confiscate private property?

My counsel - for both you and the board - is that absolute statements are rarely absolutely accurate.