General Categories > Shooting Sports

Clay Delay (or similar) AutoPuller

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--- Quote ---...and I shoot a hand me down shotgun that's older than I am
--- End quote ---

Lotta beautiful memories associated with that shotgun, I'll bet.

Ya know, for Big Grins and Giggles.......

You could practice shooting with that shotgun until you were honing your skills, busting clays pretty regularly,

then go shoot next to some Big Spender at the range who has been showing off his Krieghoff, Perazzi, or Cesar Guerini to everybody.

And top him off by a coupla clays.   (Any more than that would be rubbin' it in........)



--- Quote from: SemperFiGuy on April 12, 2016, 07:15:33 PM ---Lotta beautiful memories associated with that shotgun, I'll bet.

--- End quote ---

And a lot of black and blue shoulders.  Thing kicks harder than anything else I've ever shot.

--- Quote from: SemperFiGuy on April 12, 2016, 07:15:33 PM ---
Ya know, for Big Grins and Giggles.......

You could practice shooting with that shotgun until you were honing your skills, busting clays pretty regularly,

then go shoot next to some Big Spender at the range who has been showing off his Krieghoff, Perazzi, or Cesar Guerini to everybody.

And top him off by a coupla clays.   (Any more than that would be rubbin' it in........)

--- End quote ---

Haha. Been there, tried that, failed miserably.  When I was in high school, my local FFA chapter had an annual trap shoot as a fundraiser.  We would shoot a round, and whomever hit the most clays would win a prize. 

The shop teacher at my school was a big competitive trap shooter, and would invite a bunch of his competitive buddies to come down to it.  We found out quickly that we couldn't shoot trap as well as they could, and essentially had to set up novice and pro groups.


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