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How 'bout dem Huskers?

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--- Quote from: bkoenig on December 06, 2009, 08:48:48 PM ---I'm not sure what's wrong with the offense.  Our line could maybe block four 6 year old girls, but only if they didn't have a 7 year old blitzing.  The offensive play calling is pretty bad in my (unqualified) opinion.  How can you run 95% of your plays between the tackles and expect to produce anything?  And the option is a total failure with this offense.  I don't know why they bother, it never leads to anything except a tackle for a loss, unless Lee decides to pitch, then it leads to a turnover.

--- End quote ---

I agree the O-line is average at best and the play calling was very curious. On the one hand Watson was hampered by inability to block or complete a pass....but I also wonder if, after Lee threw 2 ints early, Pelini didn't tell Watson to go super conservative? Whatever the case it was pretty embarrassing. NU needs to figure what they want to do on Offense (Power I, West Coast, etc) and recruit and develop toward that. I am not sure Watson is the guy for that- but am not opposed to giving him another year to improve. And you are right the option is a NO GO, unless you feature it with the right personnel- neither of which NU is prepared to do.

Personally, I'd like to see NU return to a power I game (not necessarily option) with a mobile QB that can run Play-action, boots & waggles. I think that would nicely compliment a strong D, control the clock and be a match-up nightmare for all the D's converting to small/fast people to counter the spread. But O-line upgrade is #1 priority, IMO.

Nebraska's Run Game (in the days of yore) made it's Play Action Passes go for big yardage.... even a high school level passer can hit the tight end if he's 35 yards downfield without any defender within 15 yards of him...... In those days, Nebraska's "Pipeline" (program of creating dominant O-linemen) made that possible.  Now, EveryTeam has a training table and weight rooms that rival or exceed what Nebraska had in the 90's....... it's parity, and it's here to stay.


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