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Author Topic: Oklahoma lady shoots an intruder  (Read 1003 times)

Offline Roper

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Oklahoma lady shoots an intruder
« on: December 09, 2009, 08:04:29 PM »
Have you seen the story on Fox (O'Reilly) about the lady that shot an intruder?  The 911 tape shows that she was on the phone for over 10 minutes, she lived in the country and response time was slow.  It was midnight and this guy was trying to break in. He finally got in and she shot him, he died.  The dispatcher reminded her that she had the right to protect her property and herself.

The story ran on one of the morning network shows as well,  saw it as I was looking at the weather. The news host brought in an attorney that talked states like Oklahoma who have castle laws and what that means.  The slant at the end was that it was too bad - my wife responded that they had it wrong.  The story was infact very uplifting for women by showing them that they can stand their ground and need to be armed.

As we head into the legislative session, it will be stories like this that help us strengthen our right to defend our family and our property.
Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.
Ronald Reagan