sfg is away off somewheres. In the meantime, I am using his Forum space to respond to this current issue.
Here we go:
1. Have read Title 272, Chapter 21 of the Nebraska Administrative Code in its entirety. And studied it thoroughly prior to coming to class. No real burden here. It’s only 24 pages long, perhaps less than the daily sports pages. Lots of good information therein, especially all the tidbits that will keep a CHP-holder from going to jail for exercising his 2nd amendment rights. But then, it must be against some folks’ religion to come to class prepared.
2. Not have brought a stinking Ruger Single-six or any 5-shot revolver to the class to use as the qualification handgun. (Or, alternatively, to know which direction the 5-shot revolver cylinder rotates when the trigger is pulled.)
3. Not have brought any kind of .44Rem Magnum or similar showoff non-carry-type blunderbuss, either.
4. Not to point their loaded handgun at themselves, the instructor, or the other class members more than a couple of times during the range qualification portion of the class.
5. Not to load the cartridges into the magazines backwards.
6. Not to show up at the range wanting to borrow eyes, ears, or holsters. Or handguns. Or ammo.
7. Not to show up at the range with a great big smile on face and a “Brannew handgun I’ve never ever shot before!!!!”
8. Not to shake like a leafy aspen the entire time while on the firing line. Nervousness is contagious. Especially for the Instructor, who is already nervous.
9. Know the difference between .45ACP and .45GAP before leaving Cabelas.
10. Be fully aware of the substantial responsibility that accompanies packing heat in public locations and be ready to do the study, preparation, and state of mind that is necessary to meet that responsibility.