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Author Topic: There Wuz This Guy............  (Read 3265 times)

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There Wuz This Guy............
« on: January 11, 2017, 02:22:45 PM »
jthhapkido's posting on Third Rule of Concealed Carry got me to thinking about this story.   But........I didn't want to break the train of discussion on his post.

So Here We Go:
Yoostabee, on Tuesday nites we would shoot IDPA/USPSA on alternate sessions at the Bullet Hole in Omaha.

Great Fun.   Lotta really Good Shooters.   Interesting guns.   Great Stuff.

There wuz this Guy.
   He came a little later but always wanted to shoot first.   Early.   Wanted to move up in the line, maybe trade off with with somebody who had signed up earlier.   Finally, we asked him, "Just why do you always want so much to shoot early?"

And he said, "I run a grocery store in North Omaha.   I have to be there very early to open up every morning.   I need to get some sleep because every day is a long day."   Well, Very Early meant...like....0-Dark-Thirty.   Maybe 4AM or something like that.   Made sense to shoot early and then leave.   So I swapped with him and I think other guys did, too.   So he could open his store and not be totally grogged out all day.

He told me this story.   Let's see if I can get it right:

He said that he was opening the store early one morning, as usual.   30th Street is usually empty, but he could see a pickup truck coming on down the street, which then angled toward his store, meanwhile slowing down.

It looked liked a robbery about to begin.

Because..............he could see three Perps:   Two inside the pickup cab  and one in the truck bed, hanging over the cab.   The two guys in the pickup displayed handguns; the guy in the truck bed had a shotgun.

Three Perps.   The Honest Citizen was outnumbered and outgunned, Three-to-One.    No LEOs in sight, anywhere.

So....the Honest Citizen did the righteous, proper thing and drew his own handgun.

By doing so, did he get blown away in a hail of bullets?

Not at all.

The Shotgun Perp hanging over the cab began yelling, "Go!   Go!   Go!   He's got a gun!!   He's got a gun!!!!"

So......The pickup truck driver hit the gas and off went the pickup truck into the morning mist, taking with it the Perps.   And totally defusing what was shaping up to be a very ugly situation.

It ended in the almost-best possible manner:
   Not a shot was fired.   No one was hurt.    [Best situation woulda been if the cops had come along just then.   But this is a real story, not a fairy tale.]

Interestingly enough, the Perps did not ask, "What kind of gun????"   They didn't ask for make, model, caliber, capacity, muzzle energy, condition.... none of that.   Just the presence of the gun was sufficient.

Wish they all ended this way.

Anyhow, I've always really liked this story.

Hope you do, too.



Certified Instructor:  NE CHP & NRA-Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside/Outside Home, Home Firearm Safety, RTBAV, Metallic Cartridge & Shotshell Reloading.  NRA Chief RSO, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer.  NRA RangeTechTeamAdvisor.  NE Hunter Education (F&B).   Glock Armorer

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2017, 02:50:48 PM »
 From different people ive talked to,, this happens way more than you would think,,   glad that he was ok,, good move.
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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2017, 03:35:47 PM »
I see what you did there. Glad it worked out. And it does happen frequently. 

Offline JTH

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2017, 03:38:41 PM »
...and that's exactly why the Rules are in the order that they are. 

Rule One above all.  :)
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Offline Kendahl

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2017, 05:10:23 PM »
In the late 1970s, my wife and I belonged to a now defunct organization called the 360 Club. (They had a 50 yard range next to Girl Scout Camp Maha at the end of 60th Street just north of the Platte River. The range can still be seen on Google Maps but I don't know if it is in use.) By chance, my wife, who is a musician, already knew one of the other members because he worked at the concert hall where she played. He told us about an incident of his own from the days when he got off work in the middle of the night. A car forced him to the side of the street and two guys got out and came toward him. He got out of his own car, .45 ACP Colt in hand. As soon as they saw the gun, the would be carjackers turned tail. It was another situation in which the mere sight of a gun in the hands of the intended victim was sufficient to deter the criminals.

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2017, 05:40:48 PM »
In the discussion of Rule Three on his web site, jthhapkido refers to a guy "carrying a 44 Magnum Revolver with an optic and a 10? barrel, loaded with alternating FMJ and Black Rhino Teflon-Coated Spinning-Wheels-O’-Death-brand bullets out of a SERPA OWB holster carried in a small-of-the-back position". That reminded me a 1965 spoof of the James Bond movies entitled, "The 2nd Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World". Instead of a .44 magnum, the protagonist carries a broomhandle Mauser also at the small of his back.

In the opening scene of the movie, a man in a city park is approached by a young mother pushing a baby carriage holding twins. She fusses with the babies for a few seconds, then pulls a Sten submachine gun out of the carriage and empties the magazine into the man before calmly exiting the park. On her way out, she encounters a British bobby. He politely greets her with, "Good morning, Number Six" and she replies, "Good morning, Number Ten."

I doubt that the movie is still available for purchase but I did find it on YouTube. I think I will watch it tonight. At the least, it will be more entertaining than one of the unreality shows on television.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 05:43:01 PM by Kendahl »

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2017, 10:11:23 AM »
In the discussion of Rule Three on his web site, jthhapkido refers to a guy "carrying a 44 Magnum Revolver with an optic and a 10? barrel, loaded with alternating FMJ and Black Rhino Teflon-Coated Spinning-Wheels-O’-Death-brand bullets out of a SERPA OWB holster carried in a small-of-the-back position". That reminded me a 1965 spoof of the James Bond movies entitled, "The 2nd Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World". Instead of a .44 magnum, the protagonist carries a broomhandle Mauser also at the small of his back.

In the opening scene of the movie, a man in a city park is approached by a young mother pushing a baby carriage holding twins. She fusses with the babies for a few seconds, then pulls a Sten submachine gun out of the carriage and empties the magazine into the man before calmly exiting the park. On her way out, she encounters a British bobby. He politely greets her with, "Good morning, Number Six" and she replies, "Good morning, Number Ten."

I've seen that clip!  :)

Regarding other posts in this thread:
It is amazing (so much so that most people don't realize it) how often a successful defensive gun use doesn't include a single shot fired. As long as it is recognizably a gun to the bad guy, having it and pulling it often is all that is needed.

(Note:  this isn't the same as "talisman thinking" which is the idea that merely having the object keeps you safe.  Nor is it the same as me advocating "just buy a gun and carry it, that'll work most of the time."  If you don't know how to be safe with a gun, just like any other powerful tool it may end up hurting you because you don't know what you are doing--just like chainsaws, power drills, and bandsaws.  Unsafely handling an object every day means you are likely to make a serious mistake at some point in time.)

But....just having the gun on you and knowing when to draw it is often fully sufficient.  If you have to take a shot, often one single shot is sufficient.

That's why for me, Rule Three is so far down the list.  If you have a gun, and know enough to safely handle it, and can draw it and make an accurate shot in time, that will cease the vast majority of lethal-level assaults on your person (based on all data currently known).  Sure, the better you are with the gun (above a basic competency level), the better your chances.  Sure, the better gun you have, the better your chances.  But those are far less important than simply having the gun with you, and being able to get it out and make an accurate shot.

That doesn't mean it might not BE important.  Just that it is LESS important---priorities mean first things first.  :)

The reason I get annoyed by people who don't follow Rule Three for their situation is that like I said, Rule Three is the easiest one to follow.  Rule One measn you have to commit to carrying a heavy hunk of metal on your hip every day.  Rule Two means you have to spend the time and money in training and practice to get to a competent level.

Rule Three?  None of that!  You just have to make a decent choice of defensive tool in the first place---but apparently THAT is the hard part for people who first make a choice, then get emotionally invested in it, and then make up rationalizations for their choice that they then argue with other people about. 

Rule Three should be the easy one!   :o

I suppose that since many people (in the population overall) don't follow Rule One or Two, it stands to reason that Rule Three would be no different.
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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2017, 11:25:07 AM »
there are so many point and no shot fired incidents because most criminals are cowards ! they look for what they think are weak targets and when some one stands up to them armed they tuck tail and run. 
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2017, 11:54:54 AM »
This one?

The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline Kendahl

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Re: There Wuz This Guy............
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2017, 04:58:55 PM »