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Author Topic: NRA Pistol Inst. class, Sept 24//25...primarily for women only...  (Read 940 times)

Offline phorvick

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I have been asked to present an NRA Instructor class primarily for women only.  It is not solely for women, but the fees for women that attend will be reduced by about 50%  (from $265 to $135).

Women are the largest growing segment of firearm owners and Permit holders; the NRA Is actively seeking some great new women instructors to assist with the many women now seeking training.

Further, it is likely that the Lincoln newspaper will be there to give coverage to the class, so some good publicity might accrue to those that attend.

If any of the men here have a spouse, significant other, sister, mother, aunt, niece, mother-in-law or grandmother that might be interested in becoming part of the nation's largest Training Team, this just might be the time.

Space is very limited.  Registration is expected to fill.

The direct link to register is here:


Email if you would like more info to...


Paul Horvick
NRA Training Counselor
If butterfiles carried .45's, there would be no sparrow problem.
