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Looks like the indoor range in Lincoln is closing....

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Dark Helmet:
man... if that was somewhere more central (even 33rd & A would be better), there would be some great potential.  my wife's uncle runs the Harry Koch range in Omaha... maybe I'll talk with him a bit.

Hartley Group LLC owns the property, 2734 N 48th ST.
That property is owned by R D Hinkley and Associates.
Property is valued at 200k.

There might be a lot of volunteers if some one were to take the time to make the needed improvements. Maybe we should all pool our cash.

Dark Helmet:

--- Quote from: eagle1 on December 28, 2009, 08:16:10 PM ---Hartley Group LLC owns the property, 2734 N 48th ST.
That property is owned by R D Hinkley and Associates.
Property is valued at 200k.

--- End quote ---

that would mean an initial capital requirement of at least 80K... you'll need at least 60K to get a loan on the rest and I can't imagine it taking less than $20K to get it up and running.

Rob B:
So what is the interest in committing to keep it going, not investment wise but in giving it the business if was new owners, cleaned up, etc. It does not make expenses now, and would have to quadruple income to be feasible.

 What is a nice range worth to all of you?
 How much per hr is fair?
 Are leagues possible?
 if FFL possible, reloading sales, used guns, what products would be of interest?


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