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Cabelas asking for my ph# and using a white form
Well, I just couldn't wait and headed back to cabelas to get the savage 10 predator. And the first thing they asked for was my phone # and I have already produced the firearm permit and drive lic. Now my question is just why were they filling out a white form instead of the normal yellow the salesman could not give me a knowledgeable answer and I stopped right there until I could ask ALL OF YOU, this seems out of place yes they were busy and the salesman didn't want to ask anyone else sooo...... I left right there and didn't finish the sale....Can you guys/girls help me with this question...if this is something new maybe I won't be buying from cabelas anymore this summer when I got a handgun was the last sale I made.
Not sure as I have never bought a gun there. Could it have been for the warranty or something?
I'm not finding anything on the subject doing a google search.
Mike M.:
Last time I bought from them I was told the phone number was in case they needed to contact me at a later date if I had made a mistake on the form. As to the white form I believe that is the color I filled out at the Freemont show when I bought my Sig.
Glock 1:
My question is-is the white form you're talking about a 4473 (ATF 4473)? If so, the ATF sent us FFLs new designed Yellow colored forms stating we could NOT use the White forms any longer and doing so would be a violation. These "new" forms were sent to us earlier this year!
I would ask Cabelas why they're using the "old" form that is white when they're supposed to use the "new" yellow form! I would NOT fill out the white one due to possible need to fill out the yellow one later once they received them from the printing office! Then they have 2 forms in their files and would need to destroy the white form which is a violation on their part!
Then again, you were doing what the FFL (Cabelas) said to do and their supposed to keep up on the laws! If their having you do the old white form because they haven't received their New supply of yellow forms yet then I'd purchase the rifle, fill out the form and let them worry about the rest!!! Can't come back on you as they are the transferor!
Thanks all, now I guess it would be going back to the store when time allows and try the process again. Glock 1 it was inverted and it did not look like the 4473 and even when I looked at it the current white one they were using it did not look the same as the old one but, What struck me funny was he was filling it out not me? And I did fill out the old white forms and it looked like the yellow for the most part, but again I wasn't fill the darn thing out he was...weird hopefully I'll get a different salesman. And farmerrick was not warranty papers typical of any firearm purchase but again this will be my 1st new savage rifle other than my used purchased .22 from a priviate sale yrs ago. Mtncrash so they had you fill out a white one huh! Well maybe things have changed.
Thanks again all...merry x-mas
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