I did a google search, Nebraska does not have the ability, some states do. The climate could be right to get Senator Christensen to introduce the legislation soon. The reason I looked? a recall of Ben Nelson would make national headlines. The reason? His votes in the last year, not representing his constituents, and particularly his votes on Sotomayor, Sunstein and Health Care.
Now the jackass is mentioning removing the medicaid perk, the supposed reason for his vote being sold. That shows Ben-Dover-Nebraska Nelson voted purely for himself and the future for him when he is voted out in 2012. He has probably been promised a cushy job after his defeat, if he even has a thought about running again.
I knew there would be some antigun legislation in the health care bill, buried so deep that it would be nearly impossible for anyone to find, and I was right. Making gun owners pay higher premiums was in there, and Reid had to remove it for someone to get their vote. I wonder if it was Ben?