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Merry Christmas to NFOA and its members

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Glock 1:
My family and I wish all NFOA members and the Board of Directors a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

May God give shed his blessings on each of you and your families!! :angel1:

Merry Christmas! Brian, Kris and Wyatt

Dan W:
Merry Christmas and stay safe out there!

Looks like the roads may be icy tomorrow in  SE Nebraska

Merry Christmas, ALL from A-FIXER and his family of shooters

Merry Christmas to all. 
While you have a little extra time over the weekend, think about the protections guaranteed to us by the 2nd Amendment. Have fun and let's hit 'em hard in January(Santa wants you to)!

As Tiny Tim said so wonderfully..."May God Bless us one and all!"

Merry Christmas all!


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