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Author Topic: Election Results  (Read 2074 times)

Offline bullit

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Re: Election Results
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2016, 01:23:10 PM »
So is it just 4 more years for Senator Chambers.
Or does he get to run for one more term after this one ?

As for those mags  now that Obama and his Gun control threats are heading for the door

And if Trump keeps up with his 2A support stance.

a lot of people who bought guns just because of the scares might be looking to get rid of them.


This will be Chambers second 4 year term thus two consecutive terms limit being met.  He would then have to sit out 4 years after the 2020 election.  He will be 87 in 2024 if he is eligible to run again for the Unicameral .... and is still "above ground"

Offline Kendahl

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Re: Election Results
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2016, 01:34:43 PM »
Trump will be in the drivers seat. The House and the Senate need to get energized and do something for a change to get things moving. Trump needs to get the various Departments under control, rein their regulatory powers in and restore some "common sense" to government. Let us really have some "of the people, by the people and for the people" government!! Weed out the Muslim infiltration that has occurred, stop the social experimentation that is being done in the military and restore it to the fighting force that it is required to be. Those are just some of my first thoughts.

Trump may be in the driver's seat but there are many bureaucrats between him and the wheels. Presidents quickly learn that issuing an order doesn't guarantee it will be obeyed by bureaucrats midway down the chain of command.

Social engineering has been going on in the military for decades. The Tuskeegee Airmen were an experiment that proved to be successful. President Truman desegregated the armed forces. In the early 1970s, I knew an army lieutenant who complained that he was powerless to enforce grooming standards. Some of his troops had afros too big for their helmets.

I am always nervous when any level of government decides to "do something". There are many bad situations that we can't fix. Consider the Middle East circa 2000. Cruel dictators like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were in charge. Are things better or worse now that they have been deposed and killed? When a politician says he is going to solve a problem, I want to ask, "What's your IQ? Hint: If you can express it in less than seven digits, you aren't smart enough."

Offline Phantom

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Re: Election Results
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2016, 02:04:51 PM »
Trump will be in the drivers seat. The House and the Senate need to get energized and do something for a change to get things moving. Trump needs to get the various Departments under control, rein their regulatory powers in and restore some "common sense" to government. Let us really have some "of the people, by the people and for the people" government!! Weed out the Muslim infiltration that has occurred, stop the social experimentation that is being done in the military and restore it to the fighting force that it is required to be. Those are just some of my first thoughts.

He needs to Clean House in the VA and IRS too  ;D
"If the primates that we came from had known that someday politicians would come out of the...the gene pool, they'd a stayed up in the trees and written evolution off as a bad idea.....Hell, I always thought the opposable thumb was overrated.  "-- Sheridan, "Babylon 5"

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Election Results
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2016, 08:12:45 PM »
The government isn't really a business based on maximizing the owners or shareholders income.  Few businesses would allow middle level management to deliberate destroy the business by abusing the principles on which the business was based and operates.  But that is exactly what has happened in the Federal government -- Those in charge of the IRS, the EPA, the BTAF, the DOJ,  the FBI and others have not only abandon the Bill of Rights, they actively tried to destroy them.  What does the Library of Congress need a SWAT team for?

I believe that the major reason why Clinton lost wasn't because of "White-lash" or the poles being flooded by those without a college education/  It was that for over a year the MNM has been pounding the public with the meme that Trump didn't have a ghost of a chance and Hillary is leading by a huge margin.  Some "pollsters" claimed she had 80%-95% chance of winning.    Pundits were giving her a majority of the states.  To hear them tell it she was going to win by a landslide if historic proportions. All of them were so sure, so smug and so arrogant.    So, a lot of the Leftists figured their vote wasn't needed so they didn't vote.  Blacks especially.  The Left, and media, ate their own propaganda, hook, line and sinker.   

Trump won 290 electoral votes to Clinton's 228, at last count.
However, Clinton had 60,274,974 votes to Trump's 59,937,338 votes, a difference of 337,636 votes.   Clinton's votes include Virginia's 60,000 felons, and she won in VA by 60,000.  It also included a LOT of ballot box stuffing, as revealed by the  Veritas hidden camera videos of DEM operatives.  It was also obvious, at least to me, that several of the late reporting states were trying to do Chicago style counting -- waiting to the conservative outline counties had voted and the compute how many votes were needed to supply the state to the Dems, and stuff the Chicago boxes with the necessary votes to win.  But, it didn't matter, Trump had crossed 270 before they could do their stuffing.  However, had the Blacks showed up at the poles in Florida and Pennsylvania in the same numbers that they did in the 2008 and 2012 elections, Clinton would be president-elect today.

You can already see what is in the cards for Trump as President.  The flames of street rioting and burnings "protesting" the results of a free democratic election are being fanned by the media.   MoveOn.org, started by David Brock channeling money from George Soros, is behind most of the protest, and the protesters and not shy about their Marxist alignments.    Here in Lincoln yesterday we had elements of the extreme Left  continuing to demonstrate their dislike of free elections, while their brothers in spirit damaged 40 vehicles and other property last night.   

I believe that Trump should do some things very quickly:

First, repeal most of the E.O.s that Obama wrote. He can do that with a stoke of a pen on his first day in office. 

Secondly, nominate replacements for the SCOTS asap.

Thirdly, unshackle the Border Patrol, reinforce them with NG and/or RA to protect the border until the wall is built.   Unshackle ICE as well, and start giving illegals a free ride to the border.  Of course, all of this will be fought in the courts by the ACLU, the SPLC and a host of other Marxist organizations, and by their brothers in the media.

Forthly, reverse the PC speech limitation nonsense by requesting Congress to pass legislation extending the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and the exercise of religion to all area of social and business life, except for clothing which conceals a person's identity, or a belief system that is incompatible with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Sharia Law and the Constitution are not compatible.    Also,  students should not be forced to give up their Constitutional rights to attend any public institution of learning; secondary or college.  Neither should employers be able to stifle those rights.  In  today's world the "public commons" are the social websites and the comment sections of webpages.  If you open a webpage to any and all comers you have established a public place to meet and discuss.  What Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social websites are doing by suppressing free speech rights of conservatives and people of Faith,  labeling their videos and comments as "hate" speech is criminal, and should not be allowed. And, public institutions of higher learning should not be allowed to establish kangaroo courts that violate the principles of the rule of Law under the Constitution so they can chill 1st Amendment rights.

There is more but Trump will be busy.  One problem he'll have is keeping moles out of his administration.   
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 08:20:09 PM by GreyGeek »

Offline Kendahl

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Re: Election Results
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2016, 11:59:59 PM »
However, had the Blacks showed up at the poles in Florida and Pennsylvania in the same numbers that they did in the 2008 and 2012 elections, Clinton would be president-elect today.
They were willing to come out for Obama because he is black. Clinton isn't. They neither like nor trust her.

You can already see what is in the cards for Trump as President.  ...... Here in Lincoln yesterday we had elements of the extreme Left  continuing to demonstrate their dislike of free elections, while their brothers in spirit damaged 40 vehicles and other property last night.
I can't speak for Lincoln, but Omaha's mayor isn't likely to tolerate such behavior. A protest/riot in the Old Market was met with pepper balls. If it got really bad, I wouldn't be surprised to see the National Guard called out to keep order. Arson would likely be met with gunfire from the property owners and, on the basis of past decisions, I expect the Douglas County attorney would rule the shooting justified.

I believe that Trump should do some things very quickly:

First, repeal most of the E.O.s that Obama wrote. He can do that with a stoke of a pen on his first day in office.
He should go back further than Obama's orders. Are you sure there isn't silly stuff left over from the Carter era?

Secondly, nominate replacements for the SCOTS asap.
That will happen. However, Trump needs to check his nominee very carefully since the opposition will scream that he is unfit if he was late for kindergarten one day.

Thirdly, unshackle the Border Patrol, reinforce them with NG and/or RA to protect the border until the wall is built.   Unshackle ICE as well, and start giving illegals a free ride to the border.
A physical barrier at the border won't work. The illegals will find a way around it just like the drug smugglers. Part of the solution is to make life in the US untenable if you are not here legally. Expand E-Verify to cover critical services like bank accounts, renting or buying a place to live, medical care and education. The other part is to redesign the immigration system to benefit the US instead of the immigrants. Other countries (e.g. Canada, Australia, New Zealand) will only accept immigrants with valuable skills that are in short supply. The extensive social services provided by Scandinavian countries are limited to their citizens and it is very difficult to become one.

Forthly, reverse the PC speech limitation nonsense by requesting Congress to pass legislation extending the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and the exercise of religion to all area of social and business life, except for clothing which conceals a person's identity, or a belief system that is incompatible with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The problem isn't so much limitation of free speech as it is asymmetric treatment of speech. The mildest criticism by some groups is labeled hate speech while the vilest insults from other groups are accepted. You can't and shouldn't try to control other people's beliefs. What you can and should control is their trying to impose their beliefs on others.

Sharia Law and the Constitution are not compatible.
That's true but there should be nothing to prevent two people from agreeing to use the principles of Sharia Law to resolve an issue. However, the choice to follow Sharia law should remain entirely voluntary.

Also,  students should not be forced to give up their Constitutional rights to attend any public institution of learning; secondary or college.  Neither should employers be able to stifle those rights.
This gets difficult. It's well established that an organization can censure you if you behave in a way that brings discredit to the organization.

In  today's world the "public commons" are the social websites and the comment sections of webpages.  If you open a webpage to any and all comers you have established a public place to meet and discuss.  What Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social websites are doing by suppressing free speech rights of conservatives and people of Faith,  labeling their videos and comments as "hate" speech is criminal, and should not be allowed.
No, they are not public. They are private forums that can set any rules they choose. If you find those rules unbearable, boycott the forum. I follow and sometimes contribute to a web site called "The Truth About Guns". It has fairly strict rules about posts. Logical criticism is acceptable. Insults are not. Debates get heated and it's not unusual to see [FLAME DELETED] in the middle of a post.

And, public institutions of higher learning should not be allowed to establish kangaroo courts that violate the principles of the rule of Law under the Constitution so they can chill 1st Amendment rights.
See my earlier comment about asymmetric treatment of speech. To avoid bad publicity, schools prefer to cover up crimes on campus rather than turn them over to police for proper investigation. Real victims and the falsely accused both suffer.

There is more but Trump will be busy.  One problem he'll have is keeping moles out of his administration.
See my previous comment about the difficulty of ensuring that mid level bureaucrats follow policy.

Offline SemperFiGuy

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Re: Election Results
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2016, 11:24:48 AM »
Arson would likely be met with gunfire from the property owners and, on the basis of past decisions, I expect the Douglas County attorney would rule the shooting justified.

Actually, Nebraska state law would rule the shooting justified. 

Use of force for protection of property.

(6) The use of deadly force is not justifiable under this section unless the actor believes that:

(a) The person against whom the force is used is attempting to dispossess him of his dwelling otherwise than under a claim of right to its possession; or

(b) The person against whom the force is used is attempting to commit or consummate arson, burglary, robbery or other felonious theft or property destruction and either:

(i) Has employed or threatened deadly force against or in the presence of the actor; or

(ii) The use of force other than deadly force to prevent the commission or the consummation of the crime would expose the actor or another in his presence to substantial danger of serious bodily harm.


And you're right on:   the Douglas County Attorney would be bound to follow up with the proper ruling based upon the above law.


« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 11:33:11 AM by SemperFiGuy »
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