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Author Topic: MoveOn.org behind the violent protests ...  (Read 634 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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MoveOn.org behind the violent protests ...
« on: November 12, 2016, 04:49:00 PM »
while claiming they are peaceful.   MoveOn is funded in part by George Soros, through David Brock. Their connections on the FAR Left is shown in this graph:

And Soro's tentacles into America's fabric is shown in this graph:

The Left was so smug, sure and arrogant that they would win they tried to forceTrump into saying he's support Hillary if she  were elected, and when he wouldn't she called his statement  un-American and "horrifying".  Well, the shoe is on the other foot and now we see their devotion to the ideals of a one-person, one-vote ballot (despite their stuffing the box as revealed by Veritas) was just a smoke screen and they are more than willing to behave in a horrifying manner.

To them an unelected mob of malcontents has more rights and  authority than the will of the majority determined in a fair and honest election.  Their street thugs think they have the right to determine who  can drive down a street and when.  They have no idea at all what a Republic  under the rule of law by the Constitution means.

Offline depserv

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Re: MoveOn.org behind the violent protests ...
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2016, 10:00:23 AM »
The liberal cult has been at war with America for a long time, and even before there was an America it was at war with freedom.  That war is as old as civilization, and the enemy of freedom won most of the time.  America has always been an exception to that, and will remain an exception as long as the Republic stands.

It's good to make as much as possible known about those who are waging that war in this place and time.  America won the last big political battle, but the enemy will keep fighting, and it will be as ruthless as ever.  So patriots should know who the enemy is.

The liars of liberal media are obvious enemies, and so are those who indoctrinate students in public schools with anti-American ideology.  The George Soros groups are less obvious to many because they work in the shadows.  Shining a light on them could be useful down the road, because one should always know who his enemy is.   
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: MoveOn.org behind the violent protests ...
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2016, 10:13:43 PM »
Here are some of the liars of the Leftist Media:
That email contains a list of top journalists who attended a dinner at  Podesta's or Bensenson's house.
Both dinners were "off-the-record".   And they wonder why they are not trusted by the people.

ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC - David Muir
Bloomberg – John Heillman
MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – John Berman
CNN - Jeff Zucker
CNN – Kate Bouldan
Huffington Post – Arianna Huffington
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC - Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
NYT - Jonathan Martin
NYT - Gail Collins
POLITICO – Glenn Thrush Tina Brown
YAHOO - Matt Bai
PEOPLE - Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
PBS - Charlie Rose
VICE - Alyssa Mastramonoco
GPG - Mike Feldman
CBS - Gayle King
CBS - Norah O'Donnell
MSNBC - Mika Brzezinski
New Yorker - David Remnick
MORE - Betsy Fisher Martin