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Coyote hunting land


Let's do another one!!! :)

Looking for someplace to do some coyote hunting.
Don't mind a little traveling.
You're welcome to come along because, well, I'll need somebody to shoot the coyote if I call one in.


What part of the state?

I might want to tag along.

I guess that's pertinent info ;D

Looking for something 1-2 hours drive from Omaha
It will be me and one other

Sticky McSchnickens:
Did you get any yotes? 


You don't have the time, space, or place to hunt coyotes (which is some of the best hunting there is), you can always go out with Uriah Wurst and Lance Benson on Bucking the Odds.

If you don't care for the video I've posted, that's OK.   You can always watch a different one; they have about 50 videos in all.   You might want to watch each one.

I have and it has been well worth the time.



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