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Your Favorite Christmas Carol?

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As I sat here working on bills, reading Facebook posts, posts in these here forums, and so much more I saw a post that made me want to ask an interesting question for the holiday season.

What is everyone's favorite Christmas carol and why?

Mine would be "The Little Drummer Boy" and "Mary Did You Know?"

Drummer Boy was because of that old claymation show and the thought that even the least could give of what they had and it being more than enough. I actually think of this scene every time I hear the song:

Mary Did You Know was because of the line about kissing His face. Here is a interesting version from The Singing Contractors:

Merry Christmas all!

  my new favorite,, just for giggles


That is hilarious!  As a former children's ministry teacher and part of the puppet ministry at that time this was great to see.   :laugh:

Thanks for posting!

This One Here: :P

Merry Christmas to All!!!!!!!!


As an old SAC warrior:


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