From The Dictionary of Liberal Doublespeak:
hate: 1, Intense and unapologetic non-acceptance of liberal dogma. 2, The expression of truth that has been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism, America’s official state religion. 3. Opposition to wealth redistribution and social engineering forced on people by government. 4. Belief that the Constitution is and ought to be the law, and that it means what its words and authors say it means.
Hate is liberalspeak for nonacceptance of liberal dogma. Hate speech is liberalspeak for the expression of that nonacceptance. Hate crime is thoughtcrime. More accurately it's thoughtcrime coupled with an active crime, but the essential ingredient that defines it as hate crime is the thought it's based in. This, together with PC doctrines, built the foundation of thoughtcrime laws. George Orwell was right; he was just a few decades off, and the reality of what he wrote about is far more subtle, as reality tends to be.