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Watch your Amazon Echos and more...

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and people wonder why I have never bought a cell phone,


--- Quote from: Kilroy on December 30, 2016, 07:32:25 PM ---This is 100% NOT TRUE. What makes you believe this is accurate? Any evidence? Can you imagine the infrastructure that would have to be in place for this?
As for the Amazon device, it's designed to record for a couple seconds at a time, and those recordings are scanned for the "wake up" word. If it's not detected, that short recording is deleted and it looks at the next couple seconds. It's not literally recording everything it can pick up 24/7.
There are many reasons to be paranoid of this technology, but learn how it works before you decide you don't want it in your house.

--- End quote ---
What makes you believe it is not accurate?   It's not paranoia if they truly are spying on you, and they are.   Your assumption that I do not know how it works is based on ignorance of my abilities.  I taught computer science and electronic in college, among other subjects.  I programmed for 40 years.  90% of the cellphone market is owned by Andrioid, which uses the Linux kernel (which is secure) but it has a LOT of insecure Java stuff piled on top, besides the spying that  Google does, which is significant.  I've used Linux since May of 1998 and have programmed in its environment extensively. ANYONE with sufficient skill can get an Android SDK and program an app that contains the ability to use the mic AND camera surreptitiously.

Many Android phones allow you to take the battery out.  If you can't then do what you have to do to an iPhone.

IF you own an iPhone and want to keep your conversations secret turn off your iPhone.  Then put it in a refrigerator or make a small Faraday Cage for it, which  would also double as protection against an EMP.

For your edification:

As an aside:  I own an iPhone 6+, which is very powerful.  Despite that, Siri is not smart enough to answer the questions it does without connecting to a remote Apple database which does the heavy  lifting.  Even then, it is not very smart.  BUT, if it is listening for you to give it a command anyone with the right app, remotely installed on your phone, is able to listen remotely to any conversations you have, take snapshots, and store them remotely.


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